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Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 65 - Divorce Lawyer

The internet is ablaze - afire - a...flame - with the news that Bungie and Microsoft are no more sleeping together. They have now moved on to have separate lives, yet remain best friends. Did Microsoft love and leave? Did Bungie need its space? Or is either one of them eloping with Nintendo or Sony, or a combined beast only known as Nintendony? Who knows? Who cares? You do! We do! We all do! For ice cream. Don't mind the television in the background in the first few minutes - that goes away. Also, we delve more into the price debate - for the final time, we declare it - and talk about Half Life 2 as well as the new Xbox 360 acquisitions for Al and Tony. Can Ethan be far behind? Who knows? He's too busy pooping!


0:01:56 - What Is Be The Playings Us
0:17:26 - News
*Nintendo's President Doesn't Fear Halo 3
*Nintendo Still Can't/Won't Make Enough Wiis For Christmas
*Sin & Punishment is Out and Rules
*New Ratings Website Provides Parents Power
*MGS4 Not Kojima's Last?
*Games blamed for surge in cop-killing
*New GH3 tracks announced, total is now 66/70 (or so)
*Japan: Weekly software sales for 9/24 - 9/30 - Halo 3 at #1
*From the PSP Wins Department: Japanamania loves Slim PSPmania
0:47:23 - Internet Flame News Alert: Microbungiesoft Splits Up
1:10:06 - Bags of Mails

Download here.
Running time: 1:51:57
File size: 53.7

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