There's something strange. In the neighborhood. Who you gonna call? TRIGAMESdotnet! Today is a very special day. It is the day that is 15 days after the first of October. It is also the day before tomorrow, and the day after yesterday. Note that down. Noted? Good. Now put the pen away and put on the earbuds. Al and Austin are free of the tyrannical mess that is the underling goop of Ethan and Tony, as they proceed with their own private butt show in the comfort of wherever they are.
Actually, no, Tony was in Atlantic City and Ethan was on a plane over to Chicago for work so Al and Austin hold down the fort. We talk some some Electronic Arts dinner plans (they ated Bioware and Pandemic), some Marv Albert commentary on Manhunt 2 (REJECTED! by the UK...again), a sob story from a disappointed Xbox 360 customer, bag o' deuce goodness, Rock Band versus Guitar Hero III and - as always - some listener e-mail. Also, Ghostbusters for the Commodore 64 was the best game in the universe. Halo? Trash. Metroid? Overrated. God of War? Child's play. Zelda? They shouldn't have bothered. It's ALL about Ghostbusters, because really, what other game lets you control both on-screen characters with one joystick and then doesn't burden you with the decision to move them backwards as opposed to ONLY forwards, because that would just be too convenient? Yeah. Somethin' strange.
Ghost Down
0:00:00 - We Are Singers
0:01:58 - What We're Playing
0:06:19 - News
* Manhunt 2 REJECTED! again in UK
* Sony 40GB "confirmed" - but in Europe
* Nintendo to Ramp-Up Wii Online Strategy
* EA eats up BioWare and Pandemic
* To Use This WiiFit Balance Board, be 300 pounds or Less.
* Nintendo's Holiday Release List Includes DS Assassin's Creed
* Super Smash Bros. Brawl Delayed
* Valve's Gabe Newell: PS3 is 'A Waste of Everyone's Time'
* More from the HD-DVD versus Blu-Ray versus When will This Asinininity End? war. (We made that word up.)
* Perrin Kaplan will be leaving Nintendo; Reggie gets honored by BrandWeek magazine.
* Japanese developers feel that Wii is a fad
* Pachter: Guitar Hero III Is Wii's Real Killer App
* Mass Effect Questions due to BioWEAre merger
* Assassin's Creed Development Issues on BOTH Platforms
* Customer flustered with 360 service
0:47:38 - Bag of Poo
0:54:15 - Guitar Hero III "versus" Rock Band
1:08:30 - Mailbag
Musical interludes provided by:
Guitar Hero Rocks the 80s (Play With Me)
Assassin's Creed (Trailer)
Ghostbusters II
Guitar Hero II (Jordan)
Download here.
Running time: 1:25:33
File size: 41.1 MB
Please - digg us, review us on iTunes, and don't forget - hit the mailbag with your Questions and Reader Bags of Poo! You can get previous episodes at our Podcast Homepage.
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