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Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 67 - BLADOWKEN

Capcom how we love thee. A new Bionic Commando and Street Fighter IV? Are you kidding us? We discuss a whole butt-ton of news and salivate over the capcom possibilities. Also, NPDs are in! And it looks like Halo 3 sold a few consoles, yes? I guess it DOES move some consoles. 3.3 million - that's excluding Wal-Mart numbers. Holy hell. And where do Nintendo and Sony stand? Below Microsoft in the individual console sales department. Believe. (In Bungie.) A new Bag of **** is ready for you, as well as listener and GS Radio Cohost LeideN's fury at how the ESRB works. Ethan's allergies kicked in, so we are without a female on the cast - but no matter. We rule, and Ethan sniffs his own butt. You know it. Listen on, or be pwned by dumbosity.

0:01:00 - Public Service Announcement - Sound Blaster + Logitech Webcam + 5.1 Speakers = trouble
0:03:20 - What Hasn't Tony Been Playing?!
0:18:00 - News
TG-CD games debut on VC with GATE OF THUNDER!
Madden curse...
GH3 soundtrack CD unlocks 3 GH3 songs in the game
How user-created mods for Unreal 3 will work on Playstation 3 - work on PC, export to PS3
GTA 4 Multiplayer Online
ESRB explains how they rate games
Sony Confirms 40GB PS3 for US, Drops Price of 80GB
Koji Igarashi confirms for sure a new DS Castlevania; PSP Castlevania coming to US first, other territories after
EA Agrees with Denis Dyack - EA's One-Platform Vision
Okami confirmed for Wii
Bionic Commando returns!
Street Fighter IV Announced
Hardware sales. 360 is #1, Wii a close #2
Software sales. Halo 3 is #1, Wii Play a far #2...
Why did SONY take out Backwards Compatibility? Well, it wasn't because it was too expensive to produce...
Peter Dille talks PS3 price drop, and says pretty much, "Uh yeah... it actually kinda did help us drop the price."
1:03:11 - Bag of ****
1:11:27 - Mailbag

Download here.
Running time: 1:36:24
File size: 46.3 MB

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