Preface: We'd like to apologize for the horrid sound quality. One of our sound files got eateded up by the computer on which it was recorded, so we had to use our backup recording.
So I'm walking down the street and I see a large launch line for some game, hardware, or whatnot.
Then I see three big honking news cameras from national news networks paying attention to the guy at the front of the line in the Master Chef helmet - was that Chief or Chef? - asking him what it's like standing in front of a line and what it's been like standing there for four days in that helmet without taking a shower or grabbing a bite to eat or taking a swig of any beverage in the freezing cold waiting for some videogame that is probably going to be in ample supply for the next ten decades. How the **** do you think he feels? Cold, hungry, thirsty and smelly, you stupid ********!
His answer, of course, is muffled by the Master Chef - Chief? - helmet as the news cameras zoom in and the interviewers nod and smile while thinking in the back of their heads that something must be wrong with this strange person sitting at the front of the line for days on end just to get something that'll be there for eternity.
After taking in the moment, I throw my Mountain Dew at Master Chump's face and run like the dickens.
Then I download Episode 71 of the Trigames.NET Podcast and listen to how much better these four guys are than me, you, and the rest of the world, as they discuss the phenomenon of the media sensationalizing people standing in line for helmets covered in Mountain Doo. Love it or hate it, they rule Earth. So listen up, or be left behind!
0:01:51 - What Has Ethan Been Playing - Nothing!
0:09:56 - News Poop
Numbers, numbers:
Guitar Hero III Sells 1.4 Million In October
NPD October: Wii Crushes All Comers
GameTap Adds 1,000th Game to Roster
Nintendo Churning Out 1.8 Million Wiis Per Month
Simple 2000: The Japanese Hardware Chart - PS3 Outsells Wii!
Giving Old Games a Second Chance:
Xbox Originals Won't Have Achievements on 360
How Capcom Decided Okami Wii Was A Good Idea
New toys
George Harrison Comments On New DS, Forgets How To Say "No Comment"
Rock Band DLC Prices, Details & Dates Revealed
How about that hard drive?
Nintendo Not Limiting WiiWare Sizes
Flotsam and Jetsam
Atari Exits Production as CEO Resigns
Mad awesome games came out last week
01:09:43 - Bag of **** and Al's Lusty Affair with Animal Crossing
01:15:18 - Discussion Topic: Videogame Launches, Long Lines, and the Media Sensationalizing It All
01:37:58 - Mailbag (and a special... uh... Crab... during the preceding interlude!)
Interludes provided by:
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker - Title Screen (Nintendo DS)
Okami - Title Screen (Playstation 2)
Trigames.NET Coverage of the Playstation 3 Launch Pt. 1 Snippet - Before the Storm
Trigames.NET Coverage of the Playstation 3 Launch Pt. 2 Snippet - The Aftermath
Download here.
File Size: 57.6MB
Running time: 2:00:04
Please - digg us, review us on iTunes, and don't forget - hit the mailbag with your Questions and Reader Bags of ****! You can get previous episodes at our Podcast Homepage.