This will be the only episode I'll ever shamelessly pimp via the Editorial category, because of what's going on and what we have to say about the subject. The podcast title speaks for itself. That's right - it's all about Jeff Gerstmann, all 2 hours of it. There's no intro music. There's no Bag of **** (though it manifests itself briefly in the beginning with a very choice selection from all of us). There's no "what we've been playing". There are no musical interludes. Just a discussion about Jeff Gerstmann and his unjust termination from Gamespot, and of whatever integrity's left in game journalism and game criticism. And, of course, your questions and comments. Thanks, all, for that.
As such, there's no breakdown. Just discussion of the Gerst-uation. Enjoy the episode.
Download here.
File size: 58.8 MB
Running time: 2:02:27
Dragonball is dumb
But not as dumb as all the
People that like it.
- Haiku, Jeff Gerstmann