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Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 78 - Sephiroth320 (RSS updated)

Podcast is up, and available! RSS feed is updated, too.

"For some reason we ramble on for 30 minutes about what we've been playing before getting to some interesting news bits and the NPD sales. Record Breaking! Then we get to a hilarious reader bag of dung, what games we've played that pull us away from our backlogs, and get to our reader questions. All in just under two hours and 23 minutes. Short, eh?"

Some of the bigger stories include the ever-expanding discussion of whether or not videogames directly affect how we behave (man saves other man from bleeding to death thanks to America's Army; elsewhere, man kills other man due to fued on Lineage II, et cetera and the NPDs. Even for the "worst" selling console, there were LOTS of sales to be had and overall it seemed like it was a successful holiday.

Wilkins, we answered your question! Also, cj_hope33's destruction of Graal had us all dying - hence the title of this episode. Congrats, CJ, you got an episode named after your bag of deuce! Be sure to listen for his entry just after the news break.

Finally, music has been provided by Bubble Bobble, Bionic Commando and Ikari Warriors.

Download here.

File Size: 68.4MB

Run Time: 2:22:29