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Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 82 - Prank Phone Call Gone Wrong

What the heck does this title even mean? It's a prank phone call gone wrong. Or rather, right. It couldn't be a prank because Skype obviously shows who's calling who. And who were we calling? You'll just have to listen to the bagopoop to find out. Also, snippets of GDC news and listener questions. What was our favorite news? Still Alive in Rock Band? Gears of Woah 2? The half-assed announcement of Portal 2? The fact that you can shoot Uwe Boll in Postal 3? Hmm. Tony bows out for this episode, but our prank phone call means that we do have a third snake head for a healthy 20 or so minutes. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ex-lax.

Show Notes:

New Consortium Aims to Advocate PC Gaming,1697,2265625,00.asp

WiiWare, Wii Fit Coming To U.S. In May

Gears of War 2: November 2008

Wii-ware Tidbits

Worried about HD-DVD? Not Microsoft!

Uwe Boll in Postal 3

Microsoft Apparently Cuts Indie Royalties in Half

...and then responds to the rumor.

Still Alive in Rock Band. w00tz0rz, et al.

Unreal 3 hindered by deadlines and console port?

Square-Enix's "White Engine" renamed to "Crystal Tools" - now with Wii Support!

Nintendo to begin charging for some online games

Nintendo to begin offering DLC on Wii

Xbox 360 HD-DVD Player receives funeral, wake.

"Portal 2? Yeah, sure, I think."

Get a refund for your mono-sound Guitar Hero III on Wii

Interlude audio provided by:

Final Fantasy III (NDS)
Rock Band: "Still Alive" as performed by Jonathan Coulton at GDC
Lost Odyssey (X360)

Download here.
File size: 44.5
Running time: 1:32:44

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