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Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 84 - File Errorz (and congrats Yeah_Write)

The first few minutes have been chopped off, forever lost, because Austin aka MrCHUPON is a complete idiotfool. We also delve into the philosophy of being awesome: such as February's NPD numbers and how expensive Aussie games are. In tragic news, the veteran who allegedly disappeared after playing a game of Call of Duty 4 was found dead. Also, the "Mortal Kombat" beating -- the one where the idiot kid beat his girlfriend's little sister to death using "martial arts" moves after playing Mortal Kombat -- may not have had much to do with Mortal Kombat after all, says some news article. Um, DUH? Woot, and stuff -- epic woot.

Mortal Kombat death maybe didn't have to do with Mortal Kombat much?

"Call of Duty Disappearance" soldier found dead :(

Small percentage of Smash Brawl discs wonky.

WiiWare developers claim that Xbox Live Arcade is full of _what_??**** (You'll have to replace the asterisks in with a word that rhymes with "spit" to get the link to work.)

Mass Effect 2 coming to PC... at some point

Xbox 360 will get its 1000th game by summer

Bioshock 2 revealed. Surprise!....?

Play games in a browser instantly? On the heels of the browser-based Quake, could this be der future:

EA really, really, REALLY wants Take Two.;title;12

NPD Numbers for February - Nintendo destroys all comers again:

Should Al waste (invest) $379 on a replica sword? Discuss ;)

Musical interludes courtesy of:

Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (NDS)
Starcraft (PC)

Download here.
File size: 50.1 MB
Run time: 1:44:18

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