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Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 86 (with Slunks) - Unfinished Business

Why don't people finish games anymore? Specifically, why don't we finish games anymore? Spurred on by Nadia Oxford's 1up article, we discuss the reasons why we leave so many of our beloved games in the dust without completing them to, uh, completion. From the mailbag: Do we set our Final Fantasy battles on Active or Wait? Is there room for more hip-hop themed games, or has 50 Cent: Bulletproof ruined their chances? From the news: Wii gets no downloadable Rock Band content (duh?), console gaming as we know will be dead (!?) in the next 10 years, and Capcom's Christian Svensson says that a game that doesn't sell well in week one is dead on arrival. Plus, we've been collectively playing Turok 2, Shiren the Wanderer, Phoenix Wright, Viking, and Ninja Gaiden DS.

Rock Band for Wii will have no downloadable songs. Thanks for the hard drive Nintendo!

Sales life cycles from Capcom's point of view

Youth idiocy: A young man shoots his neighbor for not passing him a game. "Pass the joystick." "No." BANG.

Collectors collectively groan because DRACULA X COMES TO VIRTUAL CONSOLE YEA BABY and then we find out it's only announced for Japan so far. Cock block.

PC Gaming is dead? What about Consoles? Xbox honcho says dead in the next 5 - 10 years.

Some dude goes crazy, kills an old dude, and then some connection is found to Ninja Gaiden, to which Yosuke Hayashi reacts. Or something...

Musical Interludes provided by:

Mystery Dungeon: Shiren The Wanderer (NDS)
Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword (NDS)
An Electroplankton Hip-Hop Surprise (NDS, my MP3 collection)

Download here.
File size: 63.1MB
Running time: 2:11:27

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