James "jimb0" Logan, the purveyor of Nerd Alert, the video revolution found on such establishments as YouTube and Gamespot, joins us -- his hair intact -- for our discussion about the petition to end Uwe Boll's filmmaking career, single- versus multi-player games, Rock Band pricing, and a whole new host of bad segues. What's up with Microsoft, Blu-Ray and Wii-remote ripoffs? Did Activision really mess up Guitar Hero III's DLC, or was that even the intention in the first place? What's up with Games for Windows Magazine shutting down and EGM head honcho Dan Hsu calling it quits? How short does an opening sentence have to be for Slunks to read it and understand it (just kidding Boso)? Which "sanbox" game will be the game to beat in the coming months? All that, your daily allotment of fiber, singing monkeys, and more in the Trigames.NET podcast. Order your episode today, for free! OR DIE!
Sign a petition -- see if Boll stops making movies!
Boll's response:
Wii Guitar Hero Lawsuit Settled
No Blu-ray confirmed for the 360 - Microsoft to focus on digital distribution.
More kids beaten to death... this one with a controller. Why do they always try to revive these poor children in bathtubs?
Beheading blamed on Manh- I mean... Hitman...?
Rockband coming out in Europe 5/23... MADDDDD Expensive! Design director Rob Kay explains the hefty price tag.
Microwiisoft? Motion control for the 360?
Is EA trying to by greedy towards those guys on that continent over there?
Continuing the Rock Band Pricing craze of 2008.
Def Leppard's tracks in GH3? GH4? Their drummer only has one arm!?
Harmonix to Nintendo: Wii Need A Hard Drive
Happy HD-DVD ending? Only for $50.
Video Games Can Be A Rich And Magical Experience
Games For Windows (Magazine) Moves Online
Dan Hsu leaves Ziff-Davis (EGM, 1up.com)
Interludes courtesy of:
Stage 4: Faith - Ikaruga (XBLA)
We Three Kings - Guitar Hero (X360)
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File size: 61MB
Running time: 2:07:06
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