Lots of Grand Theft Auto news, along with chit-chat with Slunks about the magic of Gamestop and its policies and employees -- both good and bad. We've gotten rid of the banana phone this week, so no worries about chipmunk infestations! Unless you really want them. In which case... well... too bad! But there are plenty of snakes on this plane, according to Al, so you'll get some of that. And you'll get some really bad impersonations of Satoru Iwata -- or is it Ricky Ricardo, as Slunks felt? We also test our mettle with Mothers Against Drunk Driving to see if we can actually replicate how some of them actually sound. But no, seriously, drunk driving is a terrible thing. We just don't like how the organization jumps to conclusions about a product of which they know nothing or at least very little.
UPS employees stealing a game about stealing!
Muggings and stabbings at GTAIV midnight launch:
Grimy Gamestop suits want to sell GTAIV more than anything by shafting pre-order holders:
GTAIV freezing... gamers throwed off:
*Rockstar: No fix for freezing yet :(
MADD wants GTAIV to be AO cuz you can DUI:
IGN airs video that includes shooting hookers, grimaces:
Previous news on stabbing apparently unrelated to GTAIV:
Aerosmith's soul sold to Activision:
Iwata speaks: Wii may get a storage solution (!), Nintendo waiting on product announcements, other stuff:
Interludes courtesy of:
Civilization IV (PC)
Aerosmith and Guitar Hero (song, sound effects respectively)
Super Mario Gal-al-al-axy (Wii)
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File size: 56 MB
Running time: 1:56:46
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