Mass Effect validate please apparently wants validate please you to please validate validate please it every 10 days validate please if you buy the PC version. Or does it? The real skinny inside. Plus, M-rated games being sold to miners and minors; M-rated games potentially causing stores a $5000 government fine if they're sold to said miners and minors; M-rated games turned into T-rated games by erasing dead fish; Alfred gets a new PC and it rawks; Slunks' siege against his friend, made possible by backstabbing him and teaming up with the Khan, fails (karma, traitor!); and MHORE!
GTA IV = big largesse happiness for Microsoft
Sell an M-rated game to a toddler, pay $5000!
Study shows not enough game stores are employing the Slunkses of the world as M-rated games fall into the hands of minors
The URL speaks for itself.
It's the return of Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! ... or not.
Mass Effect Copy Protection is insane:
Update on the insane Mass Effect news!
And Spore will do it too!
Activision is 2 weeks away from revealing a "significant innovation" for the Guitar Hero franchise...;title;0
THQ says: Hey, our products suck. So, let's blame it on someone else's success!
Microsoft to Sorny: Let's talk some SMACK.
Have Sushi, will M-rate
Interludes courtesy of:
Final Fantasy X - Besaid Island (PS2)
Mass Effect - Hot and Steamy Scene and Online Validations (X360)
Windows Vista Ad Music (PC)
Download here.
File Size: 45.7 MB
Running Time: 1:35:18
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