Lot of prognosticating on the dangers that the PC gaming industry is supposedly facing, as well as what they could do with Street Fighter IV across the multiple home platforms, and Al's treasured experience with Vexx. Ew! Vexx! Also, Beyond Good and Evil 2 is confirmed... but made easier for the casual folks, with sparkly new... realistic-esque??... graphics. Meanwhile, over in New Zealand, some dumb jerk blames Grand Theft Auto for a crime he's committed. Haven't we gotten past this? Haven't we learned to blame the media yet? Come on, now!
By the way, I want to let this episode marinate for a day -- but Episode 96 is also uploaded. You just have to know where to find it... and no, it's not on the RSS yet.
Destroy a Dream with the Mainstream -- Report: Square Enix Cracking Down on Rogue Developers
Raph Koster is not alone. Phil Harrison Talks End of Single Player, Has Friends
Iiiinteresting... Motley Crue Rock Band Track Outsells iTunes
SF IV confirmed for PS3, 360 and PC (?!?) in addition to the arcade
BG&E2 official:
First Screens: Beyond Good and Evil 2
Ubi: Beyond Good & Evil 2 More "Casual"???
In New Zealand: Another "GTA Made Me Do It" Case
PC Gaming Alliance blowing smoke up our butts, or will this work?
PC games are dying... or not, says Gabe.
Download here.
File size: 63 MB
Running time: 2:11:18
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