NOTICE: We are taking off for the Fourth of July and will be back THE WEEK AFTER. That gives you extra time to send in comments and/or questions. As it is our 100th Episode, feel free to go bananas with the subject matter. Not that the lot of you aren't already bananas!
With Mega Man 9 being announced for WiiWare, XBLA and PSN (note that we mistakenly thought it was announced only or WiiWare), and with 8-bit stylized graphics no less, there was only one thing we could do: talk about MEga mANz!!!!111 We talk about our standout memories, which boss is our fave, which GAME was our fave, and briefly run through the list of robot masters from games 1 through 7 (Junk Man!). Watch along with as your visual aid. Here's the funny thing: There was some other big announcement this week about some religious game about satanic worship from some frigid game developer. We never heard of it, and we're sure you haven't either, but apparently it's the third game in its series. We talk a little bit about this Diablo III thing and see what comes of it. ....oh come on, we're joking. Everyone knows Diablo.
Regardless, with the conversations dominated by Mega Man and Diablo, there is no real news bucket this episode. So, just go ahead and... here.
File Size: 54 MB
Running Time: 1:52:26
Musical Interludes provided by:
Mega Man 2 (NES)
Mega Man (NES)
Mega Man 3 (NES)
Outro provided by Cablevision (ell oh ell)
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