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Trigames.NET Podcast - Mailbag, Qualified Contest entrants

Please don't forget to send us a question to our mailbag to be read aloud on our Trigames.NET podcast. Tomorrow, a.k.a. Sunday, we record episode 39, and the topic will be Ryvvn's response to our Ocarina of Time discussion. He's got a great response, and hopefully we'll be able to squeeze a lot out of it - not just about Ocarina itself, but about the way we change our gaming habits in general as we get older and busier, et cetera.

AND: Below you'll find the qualified entrants for our Pirates versus Ninja contest. If you don't know what that is, basically you have a chance to win a $50 gift card or a t-shirt. You get the $50 card via random drawing, and the t-shirt via vote. You must send in - to our mailbag - your choice for ultimate pirate or ninja, along with a well-written description for WHY, along with your mailing address to verify that you're not using 429 fake e-mail accounts. We will randomly draw the $50 winner, and then vote on the entries for the best one which will constitute the t-shirt winner.

Below are the entrants who are (eight from Gamespot, one from outside, zero from 1up or GameFAQs):

Jeremy aka PoetJD

WE WILL NOT BEGIN THE CONTEST until there are at least 25 ENTRANTS! And, please don't forget to provide your real e-mail address and online handle or real name so that we can actually answer your question to you and not to some fake internet dude named BOBOTHETHIRDOMFG.

*bows head*

Fank you and good night.