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[UPDATED] Podcast Episode 55 , and Don't Blame Gamespot

UPDATE. This has nothing to do with the podcast. Just wanted to pre-emptively say that there was a huge power outage in San Fran (check out that rendered a bunch of Gamespot servers useless, as it did to a bunch of servers and So before you whine about "Glitchspot", know about what happened first. Hey, just sayin'. :)

Al turned 47 on Friday, so let's all give him a big hug, a big cake, and plentiful ladies of virtue true - it's his birthday! We celebrate it by talking about steak knives, mashed potatoes, Denis Dyack whining about Epic's alleged sabotage, what we see in the near future of games, Al's old bones, some listener bag of deuce, Al's old bones, why Ethan and Austin don't like Transformers, Al's old bones, and Al's old bones. Al's old! Happy Birthday, you turd. By the way, the Pirates versus Ninjas contest is... *drumroll* CLOSED! We will be reading the entries and voting on the T-shirt winner soon, and when we've decided on that, we'll dedicate the next nearest episode to announcing that winner as well as doing the random drawing for the $50 gift card. Oh yeah, and Tony's computer is in the computer hospital - so he's taking a breather this episode.

Birthday Breakdown

0:01:12 - What We're Playing
0:06:52 - News
*Peter Moore says Sony is doing "Worse" in Japan than his own Microsoft is (BUH?!)
*Anal-yst Michael Pachter thinks Nintendo "won" E3
*Bully Wii60
*Beth Llellewwellellyn says Project HAMMER on "indefinite hold" but Disaster: Day of Crisis still in development:
*Microsoft continues to lose money in videogames. Just how much?
*"Why does Japan hate the Xbox 360?"
*Peter Moore Goes from Microsoft to Electronic Arts
*Teen Killed By Brother Over Video Game
*David Perry: Gamers Will Abandon the Wii
*Silicon Knights and Denis "Game Previews are useless and should die" Dyack say that Epic sabotaged them:
*Ex Take Two Execs Plead Guilty
0:34:57 - Bag of ****: Listener Edition
0:41:05 - Ish's Question: What do you expect from gaming in the next 10 years? Do we need to innovate?
1:03:16 - Mailbag

Download here.
Runtime: 1:20:17
File size: 38.5 MB

Please note: Our Pirates versus Ninjas contest is now closed. If you have not entered by now, you can't win a T-shirt - nor can you win the FIFTY DOLLAR game retailer gift certificate. Please click on the above link to see the final contestant list, and be sure to let us know if you've entered but do not see your name there!

Please - digg us, review us on iTunes, and don't forget - hit the mailbag with your Questions and Listener Bags of ****!