While I can't do much during work, I'm still somewhat bored with my day grind. Thushenceforthwith, how about a music trivia contest? I'll cycle through my Gigabeat player and pick out some of the videogame music I have sitting there. I don't think I have any NES music in there, which is a shame; maybe I'll get lucky, who knows.
Through the next five days I'll post a new set of 10 songs (each clip will only be a few seconds of the song), each set getting progressively harder. Or should I do it every two days? You let me know. Each day, I drop the bottom third or half of the list of contestants or whatever based on total points scored that round. Easy songs = 1 point, mediums = 2, hards = 3 and obscures = 4 points. Maybe if it's a game in a series and you can guess the series but NOT the game, you get half the points for that particular song.
This scoring system might prove to be unbalanced, but there's no prize, so whatever, man... whatever!
Here's what I'm thinking. You name the game the song is from. That's it - no need to name the song. Just the game. The format would be below. Again, the winner gets nothing but a pat on the back; this is all in good fun. Or hey, maybe the winner gets my finger puppet schwag from Funde Razor? I dunno.
Round 1
Easy x 6
Medium x 4
Round 2
Easy x 5
Medium x 3
Hard x 2
Round 3
Easy x 4
Medium x 3
Hard x 2
Obscure x 1
Round 4
Easy x 2
Medium x 3
Hard x 3
Obscure x 2
Round 5
Medium x 1
Hard x 5
Obscure x 4
Now, the difficulty levels don't always correspond to the games themselves but rather the songs. Unless the game itself is already obscure, of course. For example, in a game like Castlevania IV, there might be some random song that isn't instantly recognizable. Just so you don't get thrown off such that you think you have to know weird games to do well. (Though it would help!)
Here's the game list:
Actraiser 2
Beyond Good and Evil
Dracula X
Castlevania IV
Chrono Cross
Chrono Trigger
Deus Ex
Diablo II
Eternal Darkness
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
God of War
Katamari Damacy
Metal Gear Solid
Metroid Prime
R4: Ridge Racer Type 4
Radiant Silvergun
Ridge Racers
Shadow of the Colossus
Sim City 3000
Soul Calibur II
Super Mario World
Super Smash Bros (Ice Climber can count too)
The Longest Journey
Now, some of these games may be used twice. Some songs are mainstays throughout series - so if you name any game in the series that use the song, then you get full points. Be aware that for some series, multiple games may use the same song BUT NOT ALL! ;) I need those contestants! I realize this is far from an all-encompassing game list, and I apologize for that. Also, I may just hide the pre-determined easy/hard/medium setup because one might assume that an obscure game will have an obscure song and pick the name of a game which you had no clue existed. In masking it, hopefully I'll trip you up.
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