MrCHUP0N / Member

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Virtual Console Games are Overpriced! Or are they?

Now, I realize that charging $5 for Urban Champion is pretty lame. At the same time, who said you should be buying that game anyway? I've always felt that maybe I'm paying a bit much for a non-physical copy of a game that I can't resell, but I felt comfortable in knowing what exactly to expect - with errant deviations here and there. Yet, there is still the untested argument from people around saying that they could probably get their favorite game for far cheaper (even though they never even say that they went and actually did it; so what are you waiting for, champ?).

But then, ahoy!

Looks like on the whole, you pay more for used physical games than the Virtual Console version. That doesn't include the hassle of potentially buying a rotten cartridge, getting your crusty old console to work, et cetera. Anyone who wants to whine that it's a travesty to pay $5 for Bubble Bobble in this day and age should look at the average price of the real cart ($20+).

If you're a collector, physical games are still the way to go. If you, like me, just wanna play some old games... make sure you can consistently find cheaper physical copies if you're going to whine about pricing; otherwise it's all for naught.

On the other hand, if we're talking about why PSone games can be $6 when compared to a $5 NES game... yeah, PSN Store is pretty sweet. If only it'd release more games that I cared about. Right now this is like when all we got on VC was 1080 Snowboarding - oh wait, that was this week. Step up your respective games, downloadable stores!