MrCHUP0N / Member

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Why am I still playing Guitar Hero II?

Well, several reasons:

1) I ordered Guitar Hero III from for $84 (I missed the initial $77 deal). That is the TOTAL cost - even after shipping (of which there is none). To get the free shipping, I used Ground shipping which takes 5 - 10 business days. They'll probably ship it out tomorrow, which means I won't get it until Friday or next Monday. Which is fine by me, because...

2) I still have yet to five-star Misirlou. I guess I don't get the $5 I was due. You escape this time, Guitarherolover... in any case, I really want to unlock the stupid Log and have all fives across the board.

3) I want to get consistent at beating Jordan. I five-starred it and I've beaten it 6 times in total, but I've probably played it about 70 times to do so or something ridiculous like that. I want to get to a point where I have a 50/50 chance of beating it on any given attempt. And, that can only help prepare me for the masochistic endeavor that is Through The Fire And Flames.

4) I'm playing Lunar Pool for the NES via Wii Virtual Console. Almost intensely, and for a good reason. (Pro tip: if you even remotely like pool and you like the idea of playing on deranged pool tables like ones shaped like a Z or ones with 20 pockets, it's actually worth $5.) But anyway, all the little colored billiard balls just remind me of Guitar Heroistics. And, I need to get me some GH action. However...

5) ...given items (1) through (3), and given that I lent my Playstation 2 - along with Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero II (yes I have both versions) and Guitar Hero: Rocks the 80s for that console - to a friend for his birthday bash, my 360 version is all I've got.

So: GH2 ftw! (For another few days.)