MrCooltown's forum posts
[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"]because if im not mistaken, this is more then Crysis. PC owners owned.That's really awesome, why does this matter though?
Um, I'm a huge PS3 fan, but Crysis came out 2 years ago and Uncharted isn't even out yet...:lol:
PC is not me on this one. Crysis, a 2 year old game, on a high end PCstill looks better than any game ever made on 360 or PS3 and likely will for the next couple years.
You realize this is well known that the 360 sucks at sells in Japan.Z0MBIES
Why do you assume this is directed at 360 only? He said Microsoft. PS2 still sells well to this day, apparently Xbox 1 isn't selling in Japan either. Remember Xbox came out a year after should still be selling units if the PS2 is still selling units.
Like the topic title says, Microsoft basically doesn't exist in Japan, not specifically 360.
I'd go for it. In the last couple years PS3 has quickly grown to the best system to own. The next year or so will solidify that. It all comes down to the fact that Sony has 16 first party studios, Nintendo has 9 and Microsoft has 5. The more first party studios you have, the more exclusives you have (as long as their good studios), and actually Sony has the highest average review score of any major publisher out there. I saw that info in an article on gamasutra earlier this year, was pretty surprised. Their average metacritic score for a game is something like 81%.
Ok, I know we are all very happy, because reportedly, the PS3 topped hardware charts this month (keep in mind that we have no official numbers yet, and therefore, no concrete proof). Be that as it may, we can safely declare that the PS3 is buoyed by an optimism that it was lacking since its launch.
However, it's only been a month, and cows have (as usual) pounced upon the opportunity, already declaring that the 'Ps3 has won,' or that 'Sony is winning.' How? Last I checked, the PS3 had a nigh insurmountable sales gap seperating it from the other two systems, and its software sales were in the gutter. How can anybody who is even slightly rational claim in their right mind that Sony or the PS3 are at the top?
I know we are all excited at the PS3 finally getting its due. But we'd do well to stay calm, and see if this success at the very least sustains itself.
You do know that each fiscal year since the PS3 came out, its total worldwide sales for the year have been greater than 360s right? The only so called lead you speak of is because the 360 had came out a year before PS3 and thus started with a lead on PS3 day one. So yes, technically you could argue PS3 is winning and you'd be right as long as you talk total sales per year. The only way you could legitimately say the 360 is winning is if the 360 was supposed to last longer than the PS3. No matter which system you're a fan of, everyone will agree that the PS3 will last longer than the 360...and likely more than a year (the year it came out later). I'd bet PS3 last 2.5 years longer than 360 does, and I base that on the fact that Sony's machine is still priced at 299 while MS's is 199...which means lots of time and room to slowly drop the price and continue developing games.
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