Here we go, another "My system is better than yours" argument. The whole thing basically comes down to the 360 having a larger install base so they usually develop for that platform and port to the other, so you're always gonna get a flakier product on the PS3. With that said, the differences (if any) are usually minor and usually take one of these side-by-side comparisons to actually notice. Mountains out of molehills. Just buy the system you like best and be happy with it.
taurian0205, just import the uncensored version through eBay. You'll get the same game our friends in the US and you'll more than likely get it cheaper than what your local EB will try and sting you. If you can't win against the OFLC, just go around them.
I totally agree with Invadermilo. I played Open Season beginning to end and man, what an embarrassment. Sits in stark contrast to all 1000/1000 games on my list like COD2, Hitman or even just beating GOW on Insane by myself. At the end of the day, it's just a number, which only looks worse on you as a player if you over-inflate it with easy kids games.
When I bought my 360 I hadn't finished Sniper Elite yet, so I kept that game because it was on the BC list. Lot of good that did because the game doesn't work. The official Xbox site even states there is a problem in that the single player campaign does not load at all. Kinda makes me wonder why the game made the list if they know it doesn't work. Anyway, if anyone out there know how to get this game to work, post it here. Otherwise I think it's going for a trade in.
MrFisty's comments