I have 1 and 1/2 days left of school, tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. Tomorrow and Thursday we do half a day of lessons, and the other half of the two days will be spent catching up on any coursework we are behind on. I am nearly finished with ICT coursework only have 1 more piece to do and I will be finished, then I have to re-do an English essay for the second draft of it. On the bright side, I finish at 12 O'Clock in the afternoon so I will come straight home, get ready and go out partying and have a good time.
I got my exams results back, all in all I would say they are average, with some better than others, and the comments the teachers put in my report weren't that good.
I am enjoying MHFU alot more now seeing as I am the highest HR (Hunter Rank) and I have some good friends that I play on Ad-Hoc party with a few of which are friends here on GS and are also in theMHU like me.
Speak to you later folks, I might post another blog on Friday depending what I feel like.