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Roger Clemens and some games I am really exicted about

Well, it looks like one of the "former" greatest pitchers of all time is going to jail for perjury. I can't believe it. It just goes to show that during the steriods era in baseball, everyone was using, even the best pitcher in the league, Roger Clemens. To me, Clemens using steriods isn't that much of a surprise. How could someone who is 40 something win the Cy Young award? I just don't think it is possble for someone that age to put up the numbers to win a major award like that, at that age, without some help. I hope Clemens gets the same treatment that Barry Bonds recived when it came out that he was all juiced up. I know, I probly just sound like some PO Giants fan. I just want Clemens to be considered a scum bag like Bonds is. Well, whatever. Clemens is going to jail, so I AM HAPPY!

On another note, I just read about a game that will probly be one of the best of the year. What is this game, you ask? LEGO HALO! YES!!! LEGO FREKIN HALO! The game will take place all across the three halo games and everything will be made out of legos. I can't believe it. I think this game will be awsome. The game apparently play a lot like Lego Star Wars. The game, according to developers, will be 90% third person and 10% first person. The best part, though, is that the game will be coming out this fall. I will be keeping close tabs on this game untill the day it comes out. Hopefully, the game will have the awsome multiplayer that Halo 3 has, just to make the game even more awsome.

Another game I am excited about? Battlefield Heroes. I think this game could be the next best online shooter. The best part? ITS FREE! The game looks like its directed at a more younger crowd. The game will also have some light RPG elements to it. The games graphics also have a unique look, in my opinion. I think another great thing about the game will be that it will be free to play, which is good for me because I am not exactly into paying a monthly fee to play a game. This game is also one I am closely watching this year.

Those are two of my favorites that have been anounced this year. I think there will probly be other games that will come out of no where to people and be awsome. One game I am also excited about is Lego Indiana Jones. That game looks awsome. Well, has anyone seen Semi Pro? Is it any good? I want to see it. Will Feral always does a good job being funny in sports movies. Well, thats it.


New BLog, No, this isn't a move agaisnts gamespot

Well, I have a new blog. The address is:

Don't worry people, I will post on gamestop still, though. I won't blogg here though. So, if you want to keep up with me, go to

and keep up with the world of mrhimz.


I am sick of all the Tetris and Pac-man remakes

As the title says, I am sick of all the Tetris and Pac-man remakes. I am sick of them because all the remakes do nothing to change the gameplay. I know, the gameplay is what made these games great and why change a good thing, but come on. Every year, there are probly 10 Tetris and 10 Pac-man remakes each. I think these games get way to much attention when games like Donkey Kong and Pong never get remakes. I have never seen a Donkey Kong remake. That is a classic game that almost never gets the credit it deserves. Then, there is Pong. Tetris and Pac-man owe a great debt to Pong and Pong almost never gets remade also. These two games are just as or better then Tetris and Pac-man, yet never get the attention they deserve. So, basically, all the video game companies just remake Tetris and Pac-man because they knowwe gamers will by them just because of the name on the box. So, next time when you are thinking about buying the "New" Tetris or Pac-man game, think "Hey, weres my Donkey Kong or Pong remake" and also hope that someday they will remake these revolutionary games.

Well, thats my rant. Now, down to buissness. I bought Paper Mario, Tecmo Bowl, and Super Mario Brothers off the Wii virtual console. These are awsome games. Anyone have any suggestions for other great games of the virtual console? One game I hope they put on the Virtual console is Donkey Kong 64. That game was awsome. It was one of those rare games that had a amazing single player mode, while also having an just as awsome multiplyer mode. It was one of my favorite games on the N64 and still is. Well, I'm out.

Himz OUT!

Christmas Games

I got a few games for Christmas:

Gutair Hero III (Wii)

FIFA 08 (360)

Super Mario Galaxy

I also plan on buying:

Wii clasic controler

2000 point Wii card

Online adapter

I plan on buying some classic games. I want to get Paper Mario. I don't know what other ones to get. Any suggestions.

I also got some money, itunes gift cards, and a book. I was happy with what I got.

Also, I was wondering if there were any good unions to join. I am in one active union right now and I want to be in another active union. Any suggestions?

Christmas is here

Well, its that time again. It's time for Christmas to be here and all us gamers are getting sick with excitment over what games we are going to get. I am hoping I get Gutar Hero III for my Wii and Fifa 08 for 360. I am also thinking about how I can try to make someones year better. This is the one thing everyone who is fourtonanate to livein a good house and have food on the table to eat forget. There are people in the world who aren't as fourtonant as we people in America are. People all over the world don't have the freedoms to do what ever they want in other countries. Countries are even fighting each all over the world for reasons probly even the leaders of countries don't understand. There are also people in America who aren't as fortionant as some others. What I am trying to say is that, when you are opening that new game of Tuesday, try to think about how you can help someone else in the world or in your neighborhood. Try to bake some cookies or go visit someone who you think needs some company this holiday season. Also, try to be thankfull for everything you have. Also hope that maybe next Christmas the waringnations around the world will except their differences and try to get along. I also hope all of you Gamespot Members have a good Christmas and try to think about other people then yourselves this holiday season. So, thanks for taking the time to read this blog.

Well, thats how I feel and dang it, just except it. I just hope you all have finished your Christmas shopping because if you haven't, it sucks to be you. Well, BYU is playing UCLA in the Las Vegas Bowl in a few days. It is going to be awsome to see the Cougers get their revenge apon the evil Bruins. Well, thats all.

Good night and have a good life.

What ever happened to pong?

What ever happened to Pong? I was just thinking about this today and I started to wonder," Why hasn't anybody tried to remake it"?I think it would be an awsome game to download off of Live Arcade or the Sony online store. Could you amagine playing Pong online against some guy (or girl, sorry)a world away? It would be a fun expierence because of how simple and fun Pong was and still is. It would be an amazing expierence to see what the game would look like in 3D. I am sick of all of the Tetris and Pac-Man remakes. I want my Pong dang it. It just is one of the most underappreciated games ever. All games today owe a debt of gratitude to Pong. So, next time you play GTA or Crysis, give thanks to Pong and hope it will someday be released in some form.

Well, now thats out of the way, lets start talking about something fun. Roger Clemens got named in the Mitchell Report!!! HURAHAAAAAAAAAA! I am not supprised by this either. How can you win the Cy Young at age 44 and not be on something. I hope this makes everyone relize how big of a lozer he is. This should also make everyone start appreciating Greg Maddux, who is way better and impressive then Clemens. Clemens is now on the same level of Bonds, maybe even lower now. I hope he doesn't make it to the Hall of Fame.

Does anyone have any good book selections? I really need something to read that is good. I also want to get Morrwind for my computer. That game looks awsome. Well, thats it. Thanks for reading from the Head of Himz. Have a good night and have good luck.

Funny Comic I found on GameSpy

Yeah, its pretty funny

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa. Heres another one:


Well, yeah. Anyone have any good game suggestions for the Wii or 360 that are only E or T? How about the DS?

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