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MrIlluminati Blog

Pan-American Games

Hello again,my lost little puritans...whoa,little puritans,that was very good,i'll write it down.. *writes*

Well,i'm not with any topic to talk,miscellaneous thing day!

Let me's theme,it'll be...

The Pan-American games,that are taking place here in Rio,from July 13rd to July 29th.

Well,as you may know,your country is in the First Place,if you are american.Brazil is in the 3rd Place,with 10 Gold Medals.USA has 30.But it doesn't matter,what matter is that i went to see Brazil's Women Volleyball Match against Mexico.We've won fo 3-0,with scores of 25/15,25/16 and 25/16.

Saturday i'm going to Maracanã to see Men's Football,Brazil X Equador ( in english it writes Ecuador. ).

Here,some photos of the Ticket of the Volleyball Match :

Pokemon Pearl Stats

Name: Fran


  1. Seen: 259
  2. Obtained: 137

Badges: 8
Times Beaten E4: 4
Money: $160,825


Tournaments Team

  1. Glaceon
  2. Lucario
  3. Infernape (Shell Bell)
  4. Umbreon
  5. Shiny Flygon
  6. Gabite ( Futuely Garchomp )

Other Things Team

  1. Rayquaza
  2. Mew
  3. Lucario
  4. Infernape
  5. Celebi
  6. Giratina

Battle Tower
Single Battle Record:
Double Battle Record: 0-0
Battle Points at the moment: 0 BP
Items/Move Purchased:

  • Carbos
  • Protein
  • Calcium

Currently Training: Gabite,Shiny Flygon,Mew
Attempting To Catch: Shiny Beldum
Last Obtained: Azelf,Surskit,Skarmory
WiFi Friend Code: 4253 0562 0465
WiFi Trades:
WiFi Battle Record: ?-?
Last Updated: July 2nd,14:13 GMT -3

(Text by ShutUpNRock8,Edited by me)

Pokemon Pearl Online Trades

WANT : Arceus,Darkrai,Shaymin,Finneon,Any Legendary Dog,Ho-Oh,Lugia,Charmander,Charmeleon,Charizard,Bulbasaur,Deoxys,Mew,Celebi,Azelf,Any Shiny Pokémon,Heracross

HAVE : Rare Candies, Shiny Seaking , LVL 100 Rayquaza,LVL 90 Kyogre,LVL 86 Groudon,Phione,Ditto ( A LOT OF'EM ! ),Glaceon,Leafeon,Magmortar ( Soon ) , Electivire ( Soon ).

FC : 0516 3887 1303

Who're interested,PM me ;D

I'm Here Again,people !

Hello,Hello,Hello !

I'm here again,just to say that i have a lot of things to say,about the time i wasn't posting here.

Well,i'll start with PLU.

I've entered the PLU ( Pokémon League Alliance ) A Few weeks ago,and it is the BEST pokémon Alliance in THE WORLD ! ( Sorry to you all,other pokémon alliances 8) )

Well,it'll host a  Wi-Fi lvl. 100 Pokémon Tournament,starting by 20th June.

1T W1LL PWN ! ( Wow,what a Nerdish Saying =S )

Well,i'll win the champions' prize =]

ARGH,i can't write english any more ! I Need to say something in portuguese !!!

Bem,Eu vou ganhar o prêmio do torneio da PLU ^^

Ah,That's Better.

 Well,to know more about the other thing i've sayed before,stay tuned into my blog ! ( Wow,what a Televisionish Saying =S )

Time,Sweet Time !

Hey people,I've Finally got time again...

Because I ACED A PORTUGUESE WORK ! YAY ! ( Ps - Here in Brazil we Have portuguese Lessons ;D )

And I've got B in a French Test,and in a maths Test Too.

 Well...It is It.I bought The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time in my Wii.

When I Get my Wii Friend Number I can post it here ;D

My Last post in a (Long ) Time.

People,today i'll talk about Harvest Moon : Trees os Peace ( Heroes ),but this will be my last post in some time...As Pedro_Sannuzuki,i'm in Tests Time on School,so I have to Study a Lot.




Harvest Moon : Trees of Peace will be a Wii Game.Can you Imagine milking a cow with wii mote ? And Brushing your horse ? Maybe Tilling your Soil ? If You Can,you know how good will be this Game.The name isn't defined Yet,but it will be or Harvest Moon : Trees of Peace or Harvest Moon : Heroes.Hmmm...something more... Ah, you will choose about being a Boy or a Girl =D


Bye,and see ya all in some day õ.o

 And Remember :



'Ello Again,Foolish Mortals...

'Ello again,people !

Today i'm going to talk about The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess.

The graphics are Perfect.
The Gameplay is Perfect.
The Tilt is Perferct.
The Controls are Perfect.
Resumig : this game RULEZ IN WII !

Well...I Liked "Swording" with the Wii-Mote =D
You should buy it.Now.THIS IS AN ORDER,FOOLISH MORTAL ! Oops,my evil twin from another dimension ( LOL ) took control again =T.

Well,I Think Wednesday i should Talk about Harvest Moon : Trees of Peace ( Or Harvest Moon : Heroes,the name was not decided yet =]).
Bye Bye,and...Bye bye õ.o'

New Header & Today's Game

Hey people,i've put a new Header,as you can see =]

Today's Game is... HARVEST MOON DS !

Well...I was willing to buy it a few months ago...And exactly 1 Month ago i Bought It =D
Today i'm a Harvest Moon Addict,and i'm MultiMegaBillionaire =D
Yeah,to buy the personal Island you need to be that.

The Game Box.

Well,I'll Probably post tomorrow again =D ( I Said PROBABLY ! )
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