Hey This is my other Profile just noticed it was my other.
You ALWAYS have to remember there are tons of LITTLE kids on Live. They think there cool when they make racist statements. Im black but i never take offense because they are uneducated on what they are saying. They think there cool but they are really just ignorant plus they make them self look and sound stupid. Thats how you know who the real Couch Potatoes with no life are. Racism has always been present i dont think it will change they know they can say it at home but in public they know they will get beat down or killed in the real world and not on xbox live. Just ignore them dont waste your breath cursing them out b/c when your on your death bed you will wish you had those 10 minutes of arguing with TEN YEAR OLD LITTLE KIDS. Hopefully i was of help to you. Everyone eel free to ask me to comment on other forums!
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