MrLeahy's forum posts
Well, it has been over a year of being clean from WoW. I can say that I'm back in Baseball/Basketball shape and playing on recreation teams. I also have a full-time job and a great wife (just got married). I know it's been quite a long time since I've posted, and its a fake avatar. I still have my account which is the only bad thing (every once in a while I'll be tempted to renew). If anyone is interested in multiple 80's and 70's let me know. The account is free, you just have to pay your 15$ a month and the characters on Nesingwary. I don't want to give it away and have someone else become addicted. I need to just get rid of it. I'm posting this today because the itch bit on my day off. I still love to game, but I just need something different to get my head off of it.
The worst thing is that when the Old Republic comes out I'm going to have a really hard time resisting (gotta love the Wars and the lore of the Xbox hits). As for all the contradictions on whether or not WoW is an addiction, I think its a personal matter for certain people. Some people play the trial and quit and that is very understandable. My history was Everquest, Final Fantasy XIl, and Star Wars Galaxies. I played EQ2 right before WoW came out. I read the previous posts and it's like CoD (whomever made that reference) you hear a noise and it's something that instills in your brain. It's like the achievement system they implemented in World of Warcraft. It was still fairly new from the time that I quit, but people went nuts over it trying to rack up points, mounts, and pets. There is always something to do. The only problem is that you are sitting in a chair the entire time. I plan on making a documentary out of this debate when I receive my Canon Vixia HF S10 in the mail soon. I think I'll have it done by the time Catacalysm launches.
As for Blizzard, I guess you can either boo them or commend them. They have made a highly addictive product that people pay to play. If I'm a software developer and I can make $15 a month on your average Joe, I'm going to find something to make that addictive as possible. So the anti-argument made for the game not being addictive can be conversed over. Its whether they succeed at it or not. For me Warcraft was my syringe. For that, they are rolling in billions (don't even get me started on the cash cow scheme known as Starcraft II).
I guess I'm just looking for a non linear game that is beatable if that makes sense. I've already done the Elder Scrolls and Fallout games. I think I just may go back to my Super Nintendo.
Thanks everyone!
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