The Truth: The most powerful, the most expensive, does the most, again, costs the most, crazy awesome and can even make TOAST (TOAST MANNNN!) but is still expected and will be pricey (games and consle)
My Opinion: The PS3 Has the most potentional with its fanbase and getting hardcore Xbox Gamers to put there american xbox says behind for this consle, the thing is, the consle itself can do everything so everyone will eventually have one, I mean Im getting one for the blu-ray its like PS3 wont just be for gaming, but media aswell, focus on the gaming sony!
XBOX 360
The Truth: Fan's run the success of this consle, the online service is awesome, so much could be done but because it was the first one out it will probablly be the subject to copiers. And we as gamers can't complain.
My Opinion: The 360 has everything a hardcore gamer want's, Awesome Graphics, Crazy Awesomeness, Sleek Design, a GREAT online service, and features that HAVE TO DO WITH GAMING (and some that don't) I don't see why anyone wouldnt want to pick a 360 if they cant afford all the ps3ness and want to focus mainly on there other consle....the revolution.
Nintendo Revolution
The Truth: Cool Looking, great features, focuses on gaming, but has a "new approach" to things with the controller of it's, In all the revolution will be fun, if the devolpers will pull it off.
My Opinion: From what we have heard it is easy to make games for the Revolution, therfore whenever a devleoper wants to be challanged on how a game plays, how much fun it is, and not on the graphics and such, they will turn to the Revolution. It definitally is a new approach. But its good, and I have a feeling it will be fun.
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