The projected forecast of games comingthis Fall and holiday season looks fantastic. Although it might be anexpensive time for usit will sure bring a lot of great games and good times. Here's a look at some of the games I'm looking forward too most:
Half-Life 2 Orange Box
The biggest question for me with this game is whether to get it for the PC or 360.I'll be purchasing a new PC in thecoming weeks and this would be the perfect game to test the new rig on.The only real draw for the 360 that I can come up with is achievements. However I'm making it a point not to make achievements the deciding factor over which version to buy. Control will obviously be tuned for a mouse and keyboard and the graphics will have a leg up on the PC...Alright I've made my choice, PC it is.
I once finished about a half of the game once at friends house on the xbox. I never owned an original xbox and I'm only now upgrading my pc so I was never reallyable to play HL2. I'm really looking forward to playing this game and exploring the HL universe completely for the first time.
Portal and TF2 look stunning and a hell of a lot of fun so I know I'll be spending a lot of time with this package of goodness.
Mass Effect
I love Sci-Fi so this game is a no brainer for me. I picked up the prequel book and enjoyed it which has really got me into the ME universe. I enjoy open ended/Sandbox games but really it's about the story/characters that attracts me to games. And this one is looking like it will deliver a very deep, rich and engrossing story.
It's like Oblivion in space, can't go wrong.
Another game I'm having troubledeciding onwhich platform to go with. With BioShock I'm leaning a little more to the console side, why I'm not so sure. I'll have to see what the review is like; and if one seems better than the other, I'll go with that.
There's no other game I've read andheard more hype about that this one. I really hope it delivers. All this talk about the players freedom to chose how to go about dealing with all the scenarios the game throwsat yousounds great. But I'm wondering how much freedom the player will really have. Yeah sure go in guns blazing or go in stealthy has been done before. It just seems like they're talking up all these great things that aren't really in the game or are but aren't really that great. Get where I'm going with this?
Well we'll wait for the review I guess. Like I said I hope this game does deliver on all it's promises. Andeven if the gameplay doesn't turn out to be all that revolutionary, the story and environment will hopefully make up for it cause this games surelooks rad!
There's no doubt in my mind this game will deliver the goods. You know what to expectfrom GTA games now but everyone is still chompin' at the bone of San Andreasin anticipation for this one. The last GTA game I played was Vice City so I'm in somedesperate need for my GTA fix. The one thing I'm most looking forward to about GTAIV is what kind of missions are we going to be thrown into this time. GTA has been known for someunique (yet sometimes frustrating) missoin scenarios. I wonder what Rockstar has cooking this time?
Assasin's Creed
As time goes on my enthusiasm and excitement levelfor this game seems to fade. I don't know if it's because there's never any new footage released or what but I'm sure not as stoked for this game as I was when it was first announced way back when. I loved the original Prince of Persia SoT and I find the setting and mysterious going on's behind the scenes in the game to very interesting but for some reason I'm losing interest. Once again, with this game like BioShock, I'll be interested to see how much freedom you really have with the environment because like all games at some point there has to be restrictionsfor the player.
But I guess if they keep pulling Jade Raymond in front of the camera to talk about jumping into piles of hay, us maleplayers will keep our mouths shut.
No More Heros
I don't have a Wii yet but once this game is released I'll be sure to bein line for one.Killer7 is one of my favourite gamesand I can't wait to see what SUDA has in store for us this time. His story and way of telling his storyin 7 was so developedand weird that it got me hooked right from the beginning. The gameplay might have been a little repetitive but it was the story and characters that, that game was all about.
The one thing that has got me a little worried however is the idea that SUDA may tone down the violence and storystructure to make it appeal to a wider audience. God forbid gamershave to think a little when playing a game.
There are a few more games that I'll be playing be these are the ones I'll be spending most of my time with this Fall.GameSpot sure hasthere hands full with reviews and Game of the Year nom's this year. Good Luck to you! If I had to pick a game of the year winner right now....I'd go with Mass Effect.
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