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If I get another next-gen System, it will be PS3, not 360

This may shock some, but I have officially decided that I am going to buy a PS3 over an XBOX next Christmas. (if I do get one) Why?

1: A large contributing factor was ONLINE. With the XBOX 360, playing online will cost you 8 bucks a month, 20 bucks for three months, and a whopping 50 bucks for one year. Ouch. PS3 = 100% free, plus Playstation Network cards where you can buy retro games, without having to use a credit card.

2: THE RED RING OF DEATH. I believe this needs no introduction. Even one of my TEACHERS knows what this is. (Her son got it) Thats...Kinda sad. It can be caused by Hardware failure, problems in your power/electricity, and overheating.

3: Scratches. Why not get a 360 Slim, you might say? That has less chance for the ROD. See, the 360 and 360 slim aren't quite, er, as bulky as the PS3 is. What does this mean? CRASH. The darn thing might fall over. If that happens, the game will, especially on the Slim, get really, really scratched up, in a perfect circle. But a PS3 is meant to always be on its side. Check out this video: (Also, you might say that the Wii isn't bulky either and it's meant to be upright, but...It doesn't have this problem. Go figure.)

4: Games. I mean, games? Well...It's hard to say which one has a better library, due to this one fact: A LOT of next-gen games are made for both the 360 and PS3. Check out my wishlist below and you'll see what I mean, every game that I want right now is for both systems, except one... (Well, except for kinda TMNT the Arcade game and Castlevanaia HoD, [might've wanted them...] but...Whatever)

5: Kingdom Hearts 3: As of now, Kingdom Hearts 3 is only for Playstation 3. Hey, it could change, but it will definitely be meant for the PS3 either way, and, if it doesn't, and I'm stuck with a 360, I'll be pissed.


Now, for the games I want for it! (In order!)


Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

Yes, that is a fake box art, and it is for 360. :P But has anyone seen a gameplay trailer for this? It would seem that Castlevania LoD redifines the word, "FUN." You have this huge, awesome whip with incredible range, and when you attack, you release a flurry of smashing combos as a thick blur follows your whip wherever it goes. There seems to be tons of different combos and spinning attacks, and you're just like, "SMASH!" "BOOM!" "BANG!" And there's blood everywhere and it's like "PPPPPPPSHSHSHSSHHSWWWEEEEEWWWW!!!!!" RELEASE THE INNER MANLY HUNTING INSTINCTS WITHIN YOU!!! AAAAAHAHAHAHAH!!! lol, sorry 'bout that. So yeah, it looks, well, awesome.



Kingdom Hearts 3

I love Kingdom Hearts. It's just that simple. (Image, again, fake) When I was in elementary school, my Mom worked in an office and had really long working hours. (Till about 8:00 PM) I was just a kid, so it was a hard time in my life to be away from my Mom so much. Anyway, there happened to be an afterschool program at my school that kept kids there, let them do their homework, eat, play sports, and, guess what, play PS2. Arriving there, I instantly saw people playing a most peculiar game: "Kingdom Hearts." The graphics blew me away. At this time, I had a N64, and GBA, so I had never seen anything like it. It looked so cool and awesome to me, but I never got much of a chance to play it. But then--I got a PS2. And it was only my third system! And guess what the first game I got for it was? Kingdom Hearts. Then, I, of course, got Chain of Memories, and got Kingdom Hearts 2, like, the day it came out. My brother has 358/2 Days, so whenever he's finished, I'll use the second file. In three, simple words, I can't wait.




Although published by Sega, this one's made from the guy who brought us Devil May Cry 1 on PS2!! So how could it be bad? From what I hear it's quite challenging, but this is pretty much the definitive action title available right now. There's tons of weapons, and it just looks like a lot of fun.



The Orange Box

Well, it is true I already own Portal (Got it for free, LEGALLY, I might add, through Steam's limited time offer) but from what I hear, Team Fortress 2 and Half-Life are amazing. So why pass up this expierience to get it? Half Life looks like a really cool First Person shooter, and Team Fortress looks really funny and full of strategy. Of course, playing Portal on a TV with a controller will be pretty sick, too.



Castlevania Chronicles

This game goes kinda rare on Amazon/Ebay, but it's either 5.99 or 9.99 (Saw it at my recreation center, can't remember which :P) VS a whopping 30$/40$. Another really cool/retro Castlevania game, not much else to say, but, worth downloading.



Devil May Cry 4

Meh, you might say it's kinda low on the list, but Bayonetta DID get better reviews. (In genereal) Besides, I can't imagine any 3D action game being more awesome than Devil May Cry 1 on PS2. I just can't. So I'm sure it's a solid sequel, but it might just stray too far away. Still, it'll be a blast, I'm sure.



Call of Duty 4

NO, NOT MODERN WARFARE 2. That's too expensive. :P This will do nicely, a great, atmospheric FPS, set in the...Whatever terrorist war, it looks awesome, and, in fact, I've played it, so I know it is.



Final Fantasy XIII

Wuzzat? For "such a big Final Fantasy fan," this is quite low, isn't it? Well...Meh. It looks alright. It would be great to have, but the series kind of lost its heart after FFX. I like to think of it as a complete set of 10 games. Forget X-2, 4 AY, and the millions of VII sequels. From the looks of it, 13 is a lot like 12. That means weird combat system. I miss FFVII's ATB. :( That rocked, it was like half action/half RPG. Now it's like, 75% action, 25% RPG. Well, that's just what it looks like, haven't played it, but I think most people will agree with me in saying that it is NOT as good as 6, 7, 8, or 9, those games were the bomb. (PS: Don't take anything I say too seriously, I'm a high schooler writing a 10-page blog about the PS3 while I could be looking for careers and getting l-never mind.)



So yeah, um, that's pretty much it. That's why I want a PS3, and the games that I'll be getting. Hope you haven't fallen asleep yet, this is MrSaturn33, signing out.