From my Dad from Japan:
1. Lamento: Beyond The Void figures (small, short, and chibi)
2. One-Piece T-Shirt (Black with Monkey D. Luffy's flag symbol on it)
3. A T-Shirt with characters from Manga that Shotaro Ishinomori (whoever that is) created (black, with gray characters)
3. Some other shirt that's really weird (O_o)
5. A Scarf with skulls on it ( :o:question: ) (front side brown with black skuls, back black with brown skull and crossbones)
6. Pencil Case (with stuff like pens and calculators inside it [but guess what!? One of them was a set of pecils; with dragon quest monsters on them! on the back, it even says square enix! No kidding!])
7.ookiku furikabutte calender (it's this anime)
I know, my Dad kinda gave me alot...I think maybe it's 'cuz I haven't seen him for about a year...He's real busy in Japan...Oh, also, Lamento: Beyond the void is this JP-only computer game...I'll post pictures of what the figures look like later! SO now here's what my Mom gave me:
From my Mom:
1. Eye Clops (You know, you've seen commercials, right? OK, it's basicly this microscope thingy that plusgs inrto your TV, and whatever it points to, you see magnifiyed, like, 200 times on the TV.)
2. This mociac kit to make frames, I like mosiacs!
3. A joke pafge-a-day calender; I need more page-a-day calenders!
Also, if you want to count Bleach vol. 1 and Rune Factory presents for Christmas you can, but A. I hink that my Dadv buys stuff for me when we go to the mall and anyways and B. I didn't open thm under a tree, in fact, I didn't open them at all! So thsts pretty much it; Oh ya, I got 25 bucks from my aunt :P And a subscrription to thois nature magizine from my grandparents. Oh yeah, and this learning Japanese book and scrabble game from my Dad's best friend. What did you all get for Christmas? I hope you had a merry one! Also, if you celebrate Kwanzaa, Happy Kwanzaa!
(P.S. I got exactly 15 presents in all! :o)
(P.S.S. I think)
(P.S.S.S. Don't foget to tell me what you got for christmas!)
(P.S.S.S.S. Or Hanakuh!)
(P.S.S.S.S.S I'm making one too many P.S.s!)