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#1 MrSaturn33
Member since 2007 • 568 Posts

You could simply re-download the Sonic package and get Sonic 2 back that way seeing as it is a part of it.lyndonAPI

Great idea! But too bad they're not selling it anymore...Of course.

Are you trying to download it from the sales page or the PS+ page? If so then use the search feature to find the game you own, look for it at the full price instead of the discounted price or PS+ price or whatever... Then hopefully you'll see a download link as i've seen multiple instances of the same game and when i bought Worms it said i didn't own it but when i searched for it i saw the retail version at full price which i was able to download.


...It's no longer on the Playstation Plus page and I DID get to the actual page of the game as I've mentioned before. Yes, I tried searching it just now but it changed nothing. It shows a blue bag icon as if I never payed for it, unlike every single other Sonic game which has a red icon signifiying I do. It just must have erased all memory of me owning the game after my stupid trial was up. Thanks anyway...

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#2 MrSaturn33
Member since 2007 • 568 Posts

It appears as though you didn't try to download it through the Store. I'm not 100% sure, but I think the downloads list removes any PS+ tied DLC and games when your membership expires. In this case, it seems like it was removed from the downloads list even though you own the full game. Either way, you should be able to download the game through the PS Store.


I tihnk you mean go to the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 page and say download from there. If I own the game there should be a red bag icon on top of the game icon but there is a blue bag as if I don't own it. I that's what you mean then I forgot to mention I tried that...It just said, "Your Membership has expired and you need to purchase the game or renue your Playstation Plus membership to continue." Not those exact words but you know what I mean. Thanks though...

You may find what you're looking for in the support section on the Official Playstation website. If not, the boards there may help you out. They can probably sort it out better than we can.


Oh great. I try to sign up, they're undergoing maintenance. Perfect timing.

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#3 MrSaturn33
Member since 2007 • 568 Posts

I'm sure someone here will get right on that...guynamedbilly

Please don't be rude and sarcastic. (And forgive me if I misinterpreted your comment.) That's not what I intended. I just need to be redirected to a proper number of E-Mail, as I couldn't seem to find one. There has to be SOME solution.

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#4 MrSaturn33
Member since 2007 • 568 Posts

So after the PSN servers come back up and the you can get a Playstation Plus Trial for 30 days, I grab Sonic the Hedgehog 2 off the Playstation Store for free. Logically I assume I will be able to play it after my trail is up, right? (Of course I skipped the reminder telling me otherwise since that's naturally my instinct since 99.99% it's just stupid legal BS) Well, later, I buy the Sonic pack for 20 dollars that has every Sonic the Hedgehog game on PSN, including Sonic the Hedgehog 2. I choose to download everything at once and delete the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 installer thinking, why wlould I need that, I already have it! But later I discover that in order to keep playing the version of Sonic 2 I got for free I need to continue to be subscribed. I thought, no big deal, when I stop being a Playstation Plus member I'll have Sonic 2 anyway!

Just now I say I want to play Sonic 2 and it tells me I am no longer a member of Playstation Plus and need to pay for it. Fine, I thought, I'll just select in from my downloads list where it is with all of my other Sonic games I bought at the same time and download it again. IT. ISN'T. THERE. There's a good chance it disapeared JUST NOW as I selected the expired freebie version of Sonic 2 but basically I legitimatley payed for a game that I can no longer own. This is complete and utter BS. I am very, very, mad and I want my money back or the game back. I looked and looked for an appropriate phone number to call and could not find one. I know if I try to E-Mail them they'll never get me back. I need to speak to someone at Sony or Sega, very preferably whose native language is English.Please, I just need help, this isn't fair.

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#5 MrSaturn33
Member since 2007 • 568 Posts

It's time to celebrate, Turbografx 16 fans, because the collection (albeit a small one) of PC Engine games on the Japanese Playstation Netowrk has finally come stateside. Finally Westerners can enjoy the excellent pinball games Alien Crush and Devil's Crush in 1080p HD.

However, a question comes with this. These games were originally made for the PC Engine/Turbografx 16 controller, and as such left on the d-pad moved the left bumper and the "I" button (The farthest right) operated the right bumper. There wasn't a better way to do it back then and this was standard for the time, but now that the games can utilize a Playstation 3 controller with FOUR SHOULDER BUTTONS, logically the games would have the option to use L1 and R1, L2 and R2, or ideally an option for either...But do they? I couldn't find any information or anyone to ask. All I know is that on the Wii versions of Alien Crush and Devil's Crush, if you play with a standalone Wii Remote left is left and 2 is right, and I only know that from reviews on this very site for the two games.

Personally, I want to go with Devil's Crush due to its scrolling and over-all improved design.

This should be pretty simple. If you don't have Devil's Crush, you can't help me, if you do, you can end this topic.


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#6 MrSaturn33
Member since 2007 • 568 Posts

Streets of Rage 2 is in the EU store.


Oooh, so you're saying it IS Region Exclusive. That sucks...

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#7 MrSaturn33
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From my understanding all the Genesis games listed here are supposed to be available on PSN:

I was excited to get the Playstation Plus deal for 30 days because I thought it meant I would be able to get some (If not all) of these games for free. Sonic 1 doesn't have the free Playstation Plus deal anymore, but Sonic 2 does and I now have that. But what about the other games!? I searched every other game listed and nothing! Normally I would assume they're just not there, but doing a twitter search for my all-time favorite Genesis game, Streets of Rage 2, yielded this:!/search/streets%20of%20rage%202

OK, what's going on. Clearly many people can get more Genesis games off PSN for free by using the 30-day Playstation Plus deal, ("Managed to get on PSN Store & claimed PSPlus Trial. Have d/lSTREETSOFRAGE2 for free." And I saw another one before...) but why can't I!? Could someone just...Explain this? Is it a region thing, or what? It's very dissapointing and aggravating.

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#8 MrSaturn33
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A lot of the reviewers here don't understand old games like this. Case and point: Super Star Soldier. The review was fair but for whatever reason it got a 6.2/10. I would give it at LEAST an 8.5/10. I only have two VC shmups, that and MUSHA.

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#9 MrSaturn33
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Long story short, I have a perfectly working Macintosh SE now. It has the operating system System 6.0.8. While the SE was released in 1987, System 6.0.8 was released April 1991.

Here's where things get complicated. I was wondering if the Macintosh version of Super Tetris would work on this Operating System. Apparently, from a few sources (A few was all I could find, trust me)

it was made available in 1991. However, the Macintosh version page on Gamespot (Strangley enough, there isn't a DOS version page) says 1992.

If the Mac version of Super Tetris was released in 1992, there's a chance it's only compatible with System 7 (and up), which was also released in 1991 (In June versus April.) And remember, I can't confirm either of these dates, for all I know the DOS version was released in 1883 and the Mac in 1796. (The picture on Gamespot isn't even for Super Tetris, it's for the older Spectrum Holobyte Tetris!) So help would be appreciated, although I'm not sure how many experts there are out there on this very, very, very specific subject.

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#10 MrSaturn33
Member since 2007 • 568 Posts

Long story short, I have a perfectly working Macintosh SE now. It has the operating system System 6.0.8. While the SE was released in 1987, System 6.0.8 was released April 1991.

Here's where things get complicated. I was wondering if the Macintosh version of Super Tetris would work on this Operating System. Apparently, from a few sources (A few was all I could find, trust me)

it was made available in 1991. However, the Macintosh version page on Gamespot (Strangley enough, there isn't a DOS version page) says 1992.

If the Mac version of Super Tetris was released in 1992, there's a chance it's only compatible with System 7 (and up), which was also released in 1991 (In June versus April.) And remember, I can't confirm either of these dates, for all I know the DOS version was released in 1883 and the Mac in 1796. (The picture on Gamespot isn't even for Super Tetris, it's for the older Spectrum Holobyte Tetris!) So help would be appreciated, although I'm not sure how many experts there are out there on this very, very, very specific subject.