I want to buy a fun game. The price doesn't matter. These are the games I currently have: Bayonetta Borderlands (With all DLC) Brink Bulletstorm Castle Crashers Call of Duty Modern Warfare (No DLC) Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (No DLC) Darksiders Deadliest Warrior Dragon Age (No DLC) Fallout: New Vegas (No DLC) Final Fantasy 13 Grand Theft Auto IV (No DLC) Halo: Reach (No DLC) Just Cause 2 Ninja Gaiden II Mortal Kombat 9 (No DLC) The Orange Box Project Gotham Racing 3 Prototype Tekken 6 Resident Evil 5 Soul Calibur 4 Super Street Fighter IV I haven't gotten a new game in a while other than Mortal Kombat, but I need something different. Just something fun. I was thinking of getting the game Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 just because it seems pretty fun to me. And great artwork too, artwork is a good factor for entertainment to me. I don't like the Gears of War series or the Mass Effect series. They don't really appeal to me. Any suggestions of fun games that are worth the money?
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