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MrWiggles0 Blog

I Played The Wii

Wow. Great system. My EB Games had one out on display, so I went ahead and played Wii Sports. It played well, but I don't think the Wii has much of a chance against the PS3. Mainly beacuase the graphics are seriously lacking, and I don't think it'll be able to last.

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is always a blast, I went trick-or-treating as the merchant from RE4 (I'll upload a picture tomorrow). I think I might be getting a little old now, none of my friends wanted to go trick-or-treating with me so I just went alone for most of the night, but whatever. Talk to you all later.

P.S.  Fun Halloween fact: The U.S. Spends about $6,000,000,000 on Halloween, $2,000,000,000 of that is on candy. Think about that, some countries don't even have $2 billion, and America spends that much on candy! We kick ass, huh?

My Trip To Cedar Point!

Long post ahead...

Well, seeing as I only live about 30 minutes away from Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio, I figured I might as well see their fancy Hallo-Weekends dealy: Uhhhh... It. sucked. not that the attractions themselves sucked, but the 3 hour wait to go into some crappy haunted house thing sucked. However the cool thing was, there were practically no lines for any of the roller coasters, because everyone was in line for the haunted houses(!). So, for one of the R.C.'s my friend and I managd to go on it, leave, run around, and jump right back onto the same train before it left, 10 times in a row... it was somethin'. Also, in all of the pictures of me that those cameras take, it looked like I had some sort of palsy or mental deficiency..

^Nothing like riding the corckscrew 10 times in a row (See where the track goes over the path? On one of the rides, I threw like, 20 french fries at some people passing underneath)...

What is a Gitaroo Man?

I'm not sure what I am right now.... but I'm level 19, Hooray!

P.S. I hear talk that level 20 is supposed to be kind of a pain in the ass?

Tokyo Game Show

It was alright, honestly, I had more fun with the online chat thing than the actual coverage. Some of the stuff was cool, actually, just the tremendous voicework and storyline of Heroes.

Brought to you by Best Buy!

A Few New Games

Well, this is the time of the year when all of the good games start coming out, and I'm pretty much depleting all the money I have because of this, so, here are some games I got within the past week or so...

-Company of Heroes: One of the best rts' ever.

-Auto Assault: Came free with CoH

-Max Payne 2 (Xbox): As I'm sure you know, this is only $1.99 right now, so I ordered a copy, actually, I ordered five copies, so now I have 6 copies of MP2

-Shadow of The Colossus: It's great fun, but a wee bit overrated

-Okami: It's been ordered and shipped but it hasn't arrived yet.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg; Scarface, GTA:VCS, Mortal Kombat, Splinter Cell, Battlefield, MGS: PO, LocoRoco, and more still are going to come out by December!  


Hahaha... police sketches...

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