Oh as a playstation 2 owner and xbox 360 owner I say let it go multi. Let's face it most of us aren't billionaires so to me Sony drops the ball as far as pricing goes for the console seeing as what type of economic state the U.S. is in. Yes they dropped the price but Konami as a business is waiting to profit back the 8 million it invested in this monster and with the limited amount of owners of a PS3, Konami asks itself "How long can we wait?"
I think its funny some how that the B.ig G.uy at Microsoft is rubbing his hands together and smiling devilishly while watching us going "Yes.....Yes....Soon the world would be mine"
I think it'll stay where it is, cuz if not I lot of people will be pissed especially those who bought 2 like uh-hem me. Damn MS, and Best Buy's Replacement only if we have them in stock warrenty. lol
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