Modern Warfare Vs. COD 5
by MrYates808 on Comments
Activision Blizzard annonced they would be Releasing COD5 as another WWII game!!! Where as there is nothing wrong with WWII besides the fact everyone and there sister has put out a WWII game (more than once)!!! COD 4 and Army of Two are recent releases that are based on a more modern war!!! This is what I would like to see, games addressing the "clear and present" danger and expand on the MODERN WARFARE..... I think that they should split the teams up and allow infinity ward to continue with the Modern Warfare as a series. And they could just share the same Engine as the COD games. NCAA Football uses Maddens engine every year, they release Madden with its new engine and NCAA Football backdoors with the same Engine. Why can't COD put there WWII product on the shel and Modern Warfare then put its on the shelf, therefore we get both the "past and present" war that will equally be great. This is also inexpensive and a guaranteed money maker for all involved. What do you think???? Sry for the HEADER typo