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MrZubbyz Blog

Broken Hand

Hey everyone, I just thought that I would check in.

Big news recently, I broke my hand, and it has influenced me deeply.

Major effect on gaming, since holding controllers puts pressure on my healing hand, I can't game at all for the next 4-5 weeks, it sucks really badly.

I hope that everyone is gaming plenty!

Halo has yet to REACH my xbox

Well, money's been tight since i dont exactly have a job anymore, and ive been waiting forever for reach.

the money i did make is going towards my band trip and i have to wait a while before i can make the money i need...

But I'm trying to get a job to give trombone lessons to middle schoolers (who probably already have reach) for a reasonable amount of money.

i hope everyone else is doing good...

Back to school

Well, it's my least favorite time of the year, going back to school... ugh..

The only upside is that i get to see my friends, but my first semester classes suck...

oh well,

I hope everyone is doing good;)

UFC and fun

Hey guys,

I've been having a pretty good summer so far, plenty of video games.

My friend just bought UFC undisputed 2010 for the xbox 360 and came over to play. It's an okay game, but it was pretty hard, and those type of fighting games aren't really my style. ( I'd prefer tekken )

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and playing lots of video games! 8)

New game - Fable 2

Hey guys, I felt as though i should check in on my Gamespot account today.

News from me is that I recently purchased Fable 2 for the Xbox 360. so far, I'm loving the game, it's basically all that I'm playing.

This game is definitely one of the more unique games I've played, and I'm looking forward to finishing it.


Graduation and Summer Gaming

As you all should know, school is almost out, or it is already out. Well i am totally excited for summer (no duh) and cant wait to buy some new games and titles. unfortunately, my dad won'teven let me look at the Nearest gamestop until he sees my finals scores. Those won't be ready until about 3 weeks after school is out.... what a great way to start off vacation...

Oh well. i hope everyone is having/going to have a fantastic summer!:D

Boredom got the best of me...

As every gamer, I've recently became bored of the games i have for the 360... Call of duty modern warfare 2 is getting a little boring to me, i'm still trying to finish up assassins creed 2 ( which i just got ), and i cant find some of my other games due to carelessness and disorganization... does any one have any 360 games theyd like to recommend for me? If ur wondering, check my now playing games, and think of some similar to those.. and they dont have to be brand new games...


BTW, is that how u spell boredom? I'm not entirely sure...

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Hey I got Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 for X360 my gamertag is Adamben14 let me know if u wanna play...

I just started, and im not a really high level just to let you know...


XBOX return

Well, my 360 was sent a few weeks ago. Apparently they couldn't figure out the problem or couldn't fix it for some stupid reason, so they are sending back a new xbox 360. Thats okay with me, cause i have been getting less and less entertained every day.

And sorry I haven't been on in so long......

Free -Timeless and hero standings....

Lately, since school started, i havent really been doing anythinghere on game spot. I've been signing in here and there, but school is wiping me out so much that i am too tired to even write a blog post ( day's off like today dont count )... oh well kinda sucks...

Anyway, i can see that the Greatest Game hero standings ( i think its the quarter finals now ) are still going on... and i honestly have to say that i myself and dissapointed. Im not saying that no body has good taste in games, its quite the opposite, but my high ranked votes who got far in my bracket became eliminated in like the first and second round which made me feel like i probably have bad taste in games if that happened.... But what ever just happy to be on gamespot :)

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