Mr_7ransc3nd3nt's forum posts
GTA Scores (GameRankings):
Grand Theft Auto 3 (PS2) - 94.9%
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2) - 94.2%
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) - 95.2%
Top 5 XBox 360 Games (GameRankings):
1. The Orange Box - 96.3%
2. BioShock - 95.3%
3. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - 94.1%
4. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - 93.8%
5. Gears of War - 93.8%
Top 10 Highest Rated Games (GameRankings):
1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) - 97.6%
2. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) - 97.3%
3. The Orange Box (PC) - 96.3%
4. Metroid Prime (GC) - 96.3%
5. The Orange Box (XBox 360) - 96.3%
6. Soul Calibur (DC) - 96.3%
7. Super Mario 64 (N64) - 95.9%
8. Tekken 3 (PS) - 95.9%
9. Resident Evil 4 (GC) - 95.8%
10. Resident Evil 4 (PS2) - 95.6%
My Prediction (GameRankings):
Grand Theft Auto IV (XBox 360) - 97%
Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 become repetitive and predictable experiences, regardless of the modes you play in each. GTA IV's gameplay, open world, and freedom will allow for a more unique and fresh multiplayer experience, time and time again. One thing is for sure, I'd rather battle it out in the streets of Liberty City, taking cover behind cars, hiding in buildings, and running over hopeless pedestrians, than do the same thing over and over again (ex: shoot...kill...die...respawn...shoot...kill...die...respawn). No offense to them, but I'm just ready to be a "Crook".
I believe the battle between Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 will be put to rest very soon. Grand Theft Auto IV is going to blow away the competition on XBox Live. Between gamers playing its epic single player campaign (which will probably take the number 1 spot on its own) and robust multiplayer offering, GTA IV is destined to become THE game to beat for the remainder of this "next generation" console era. If there's one game with the most universal appeal for the mainstream and hardcore, it's the GTA series. Sorry, Bungie and Infinity Ward. :(
My Prediction (XBox Live):
1. Grand Theft Auto IV
2. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
3. Halo 3
At least until Gears of War 2 is released later this year, but even then, I doubt Marcus willl be able to dethrown Niko. ;)
EDIT: How do you create polls?
[QUOTE="HellRazer360"]if gamespot dosent give it highter than a 9.3 then they are messed up in the headmmrsoxnation5
have you played it? didnt think so.
i think it wil get a 9.6
It can't get a 9.6 on GS because of the new rating system. I think it will be the first game to earn and deserve a 10.0 since Tony Hawk's ProSkater 3 on PS back in 2001.
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