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Good Games for Cheapskates

Guess what?! Real post this time!

I've been back on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. I must say, for a free game, this is by far the best multiplayer game in my collection. I guess that's kinda sad...or it would be, if ET didn't ROCK!!!

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about - like most people I know - Wolfenstein: ET is a free multiplayer only sequel to critically acclaimed Game of the Year Return to Castle Wolfenstein, sequel to Wolfenstein 3D. You know...before DooM. It was orignally going to be an expansion pack, but was then released as a free standalone multiplayer-only first person shooter. That was a mouthful. Almost as bad as mass-multiplayer online role playing game. Speaking of which, I have been playing another awesome free game: Archlord.

It wasn't very good when you had to pay for it, but now that it's's actually a good game. If you want to be an orc without paying for WoW, this is a good substitute. Two shining examples that free games aren't all terrible.

- Mr. Anonymous