First it started out with the whole Sims 2 deal which not only gained him media attention, but also lots of death threats. Now that Jack Thompson has gotten everyone's attention, he's now focused on Killer7. Now we all know Killer7 isn't exactly the cleanest game in the world, but what makes him think that Killer7 needs an AO rating?
What makes me sick is that this guy NEVER stops, it's almost like he goes after something obscure to get the everyone's attention and once he does; he'll go after something more "plausible".
My stepmom is a lawyer and when I told her about Jack Thompson's deal and what techniques he uses, she told me it's probably as low as you can get to persuade people.
His crusade will either explode in his face, or have dire consequences. He talks about protecting our freedom on his website but yet when he's telling people they can't play/show something, that's taking away a freedom. That's not democracy, it's communism.