For months, it seemed like all the fuss surrounding the Nintendo Revolution's Controller was the only thing fueling interested in the console itself. Now that the controller itself has been revealed, it's seems a large portion of this gaming community is betting that the controller is the company's future. I got some news for you guys: IT'S JUST A DAMN CONTROLLER!
I don't ever recall a time where I judged a gaming system because of it's controller; I haven't done it before and I sure as hell won't do it now. Yeah, I'll admit when it was first revealed that it raised a couple of eyebrows for me, but then I realized "Who cares?" If this is what Nintendo was so tight-lipped about, then I can see why. You take one good look at the controller and you see how different and unique it is from every other controller on the market. Once you get passed this stage, you can actually start imagining the possibilities this could actually have.
I don't ever recall a time where a controller was such a big deal regarding the console in general, but yet when Nintendo became silent about it, everyone seemed to turn the tables on Nintendo and judge them based on something that isn't "judge-worthy" in the first place. Judging a console based on it's controller is like having teeth on your finger, totally messed up.
This goes for every other next-gen console out there, even the PS3. Even though the "Batman Boomerag" controller for the PS3 may not be the final prototype, if it was, I wouldn't care; I'd still be buying it because I'd be looking at the games and the experience, not the shape of the controller. If you don't like the way the controller is, stop whining and get used to it because I'm not gonna care if you're going to piss and moan about it.
Whether or not you were caught-up in the Revolution Controller Craze, you have to admit that Nintendo managed to grab everyone's attention with the controller and maybe perhaps drawed them towards what it can actually do. Makes you think a little bit, yes?