I didn't make a vlog. Sorry. :o
But to make up for it, I'll update you on my designing! Here's everything since my last design blog.
This is where we left off last time.
It's pretty terrible I think. :P
NOW LET'S DO THIS THING! I've at least tripled the amount of designs I've made since last time. Ever since I joined the Mass Designer's Union it's been designing madness!!!
This is where it's acceptable to start. I don't think it was for a few designs in between these two.
MGMT is a band, and that's the thing on their album Congratulations. :D
*insert blog header and current banner here*
Things are getting better...
That's a song by MGMT. :P
I really loved how this turned out, even if I did think Xexion was Xion. *fail!*
This thing is...pretty weird. :P
I did a really bad job handling this. The background is extremely weak and I got lazy on the last two people. Sorry LGD. D:
I still find this sexy. 8) :P
I thought this was awesome. :P
Good filler until Aidan one upped it. :P
I went into an empty stage...
I got better. :3
And we went from empty to messy! Hooooorayyy!!! XD I still love this though...
Totally awesome. 8)
I really likers this one. Even if it is messy. 8)
This is the strangest phenomena. All of the other people who design say they hate this, but all the people I know who don't design (friends I know in real life) say this is my best design...hmm...
My favorite thing by me. :)
That's a song by Arcade Fire.
That's a song by Arcade Fire. :P
So that's all my designs ever since banner sized sig! Also know as Game and Watch Kirby sig. :P Hope you don't hate me for making a design blog. :lol: Byez.