Well holy crap! My comments fell more than the stock market in 1929! :P I know I'm probably just whining, but I would have even appreciated a "OMG THIS ABSOLUTELY SUCKS!" more than a *I'm not going to comment.* I haven't had 1 comment since...oh wait this account has always had more than 1 comment. :lol: I don't really care though...I just like feedback. :P Thanks for the comment, Sirra. ;)
So anyways, I'm going to make another music video for this song by Arcade Fire called I'm Sleeping In A Submarine. It's a pretty weird song, and I'm going to use drawings to get the point across. They aren't very good drawings, but they're erratic like the entire song. I'm really excited for it, I'm going to put it together at school, because they have video editing software unlike me. I have to say I'm not fond of the software because it eats up the computer's processor, but all well. In other news I'll probably make a video on Halloween, and hopefully not have that wretched sound I had on my last two videos. It's almost impossible to watch them. -_-
I just had a mountain dew voltage. Oh. Yeah. I love those things.
I hate grinding. I'm doing that in pokemon, because my party is getting beaten even by the wild pokemon on the victory road in Ruby. :lol: They were all 33 to start, but now they are all about 38. I was going to go to 40 and then go, but I'm too lazy and I'm getting sick of it. :lol: I hate golbat by the way. :x
I got a raltz and grew attached, so I don't have a Spinda. And I need relicanth for surf, dive, and waterfall, so I couldn't keep using my linoone. :cry: Stupid HMs!!! I mean seriously, 10 HMS? My party only has 24 moves total, and they're making almost half HMs? What the crap!? :x
That's all I've got for now. Good bye good people!