note: this blog is not in any way intended to insult or anoy anyone, and is simply posted to clarify information about ME, posted on mr_peters blog, veiwer descretion POSSIBLE, for people easily offended, though this is not at all intended, not everyone way share this point of view and they are acting on there own to receive this accurate information, mr_killer_dan is not is not acting in anyway to oblige anyone to read this blog
Mr_peter's information on his resent blog about me is quite unaccurate, firstly i would like to comment, how can i write an accurate rewiew about a game without ever having played it, also just becuz i took the name " Mr" b4 him, and that made him mad so now he is out to ruin my endless effort into honnoring video games, which i treasure ever so much, and third, bcuz i asked for my copy of MVP baseball 2005 back, which he has had for 4 months now, and that angered him, becuz he does not have 1/8 the games i do !!
just providing information for mis-informed readers of mr_peters blog (witch hasn`t the slightest hint of factual information)
thats all for now
PS: i am not offending anyone and am releived of any responsibility of others receiving this information,
so to gamespot i would simply like to note that there is no legitimate reason to remove this blog, since there is not intent whatsoever for the following:
insulting gamespot users, annoying or hurting anyone, and/or any other delinquant act,
it is simply to properly clarify personal information about ME and NO ONE else. thus it is my write to post under the constitution.
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