Mr_Manga / Member

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Oh maaaan where to begin... Top fives of 08 blog coming~

With the begining obiously :P. So yeah i kinda have a lot to talk about but il try to make it short. No one likes loooong blogs about nothing.

First of all i continued on my story ( finally), Some of you may remember a short story i posted in parts way earlier. So il ask, is there any point posting the rest of the parts?

Secoundly. Some rather sad news. Mom is goi9ng to the hospital tomorow to run some tests and maybe surgery if they figure out if her blood sickness thing can be cured or at least prevented. While shes there im stuch here at home alone with Terje ( moms ex) and hes such a bastard.

Anyway i guess il be fine but il be worried about mome, i reall hope she wont be gone for too long.
Next is that next month when i get money im gonna order a train ticket for April sometime since im gonna go visit one of my best buddies in hes easter vacation. That will be cool i supose. It was awesome last time but i got sick while i was there =/.

When it comes to games ive been playing trough God of War, Only took me 2 years to bother finnishing it xD. And then i played some Genji but i got tired of it since ive allready cleared that twice, its not a bad game or anything but its way to easy with that one hit kill thing. Then i tried some Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven.... i dont think im ever gonne finnish that game, like seriously im way to inpatient to be playing that kinda game. Sooo i started at Dragon Quest 8. Its a fun game and all but the combat can be insanely boring since its kinda slow.

Anime: Finnished watching School Rumble ( both seasons and both OVA videos) an im curren tly watching Lucky Star. Im at episode 11 now. Its nice with a "causual" anime like that once in a while. And its so cute xP

Lastly im gonna do something i decided to call Top fives of 08. Basicly il tell a little bit of my top 5 things about 08. It will include games, anime, movie actors and movies. BUT it wont be about 08 kinda just what i saw, played and watched in 08 so some of it may be kinda old.

Phew... thats one long ass blog. GZ ig you read it all. You get to use the Revival machine ( it heals you just like a good nights sleep... but your still hungry). 50 Points if you get the reference :P

C ya next time ( il catch up to blogs tomorow morning).