Mr_Mikey_Y's forum posts
Cant afford an HDTV, but am still amazed by anything on the PS3 so am in no rush. But as soon as I can afford one I'll definatly be getting one. One of my housemates has an HDTV for his XBOX 360 an he hasn't bought an HDTV cable which I think is a waste. If your gonna get an HDTV use it.
Id love to see a new Jak game too, but cant help but think it was rung dry on the ps2, I dont know where they would go with things. Not saying that I dont want it to happen though, if anyone can keep such a great game going its Naughty Dog.
And I read that the guy who did Shadow of the colossus is working on a PS3 title so I recon something even more mind blowing is on the way!
I want a Harvest Moon title to come to PS3, love that game!!!!
An also a weekly games program to be shown in that cinema bit on Playstation home, cos I have literally no reason to use it otherwise, its really crap.
Well I WAS mildly embarased about clocking up 120 hours on Oblivion since january, and adding that to the amount iv played on other games (prob about 200 hours in total, including the 120 on oblivion). But after reading all the other posts I think I need to step up my game haha! :)
I got my Playstation in October btw so have had it about 4 months.
Maybe change the gameplay so its not just in blocks of either platforming or shooting, and instead mix the two together more. I recon that would make things more intense and exciting, also it would address everyone who wants more platformings needs while not sacrificing anything that worked in Uncharted 1.
Also I'd like to be constantly wondering whats arround the corner, I found in the first one you knew exactly what was coming because more often then not the environment would give it away (big open space with lots of things to hide behind, and so on ...)
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