I posted a Blog last month deppressed cause I soldmy 360 for a PS3 and I wanted my 360 back. I called my self disloyal and Stupid. Well since then I a stoped useing this site and I dont know why but Im back and I deleted that Blog and I now Freakin love my PS3. I Got a USB chat camera, Unreal Tournament 3, and Rock Band. And I now respect my PS3, I realized it is slowly update by update becomeing the greatest consol so far. Us PS3 users have alot to look forward to. So I'm gonna come out and say it to officialy confirm my loyalty to Sony....
F^#k Microsoft!
So after playing all these games I got for Christmas and looking at the lineup of games for th PS3 in 2008. I'm sticking with Sony....So PS3 users hang in there and Unite.
Cheers, Mr_born808