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Mr_cheater_1 Blog


Well, it seems that GAMESPOT can't handle the truth. Yes. They decided I was out of line and told me in no uncertain terms that if I ever say what I said earlier, that I will be PERMANENTLY banned. OUCH! The truth hurts, I know.

Well, I better lay low and watch my step, it seems. I had a topic to talk about, but I'll let the heat dissipate for a few days before I post again. REST assured that it WILL be cutting edge. See, I am SICK and tired of the watered down, censored banter that I see here and feel the need to address issues. Until THURSDAY.

About ME, part II

I've only been here a few days and already I feel like a LEPER. I feel that just because I prefer PC games to console games, because I possess a WEALTH of knowledge that most people here will never attain, I am a target. I know also that it is my DEMEANOR. Yes, I come across as an arrogant jerk....that's because I AM. This is no ACT. I DO think I am better than you. I DO think I am smarter than you. I will respect you in conversation; I will NOT call you childish names; I will not troll forums just trying to start a fight. WHat I will do is present my position on an issue and VEHEMENTLY defend it with facts and logic. I will be right, 100% time; if you disagree with me, YOU will be wrong 100%. That's just how it is. I do my HOMEWORK and RESEARCH. Now, I know this rubs some people the wrong way, but that's just TOUGH. I have been around a LOT longer than you, dear reader. I have more experience with video games and the INNER workings of the video game industry that ANYONE on this website, and that includes the people that actually RUN this website. All I ask for is a bit of respect and STOP flaming me!!!!

About ME

In addition to being the WORLD'S strongest computer aided chess player (having written the chess program myself), I may be one of only a handful of people in the WORLD who can say the following: I was there (6 years old) playing PONG in 1972 when it first came out. My friend owned the Commodore PET and VIC-20 in the mid to late 70's and we wrote simple pong-like games on them. I was there when they unveiled SPACE INVADERS in 1978 with a pocket full of quarters. My friends owned the Atari 2600 and the 5200 and when I wasn't playing PITFALL or MISSLE COMMAND, I was at the arcade. I owned a Commodore 64 and 128. Can anyone say ZORK? I spent a MAJORITY of my youth (and my parent's money) in the arcades of the 1980's. Pac-man, asteroids, defender, etc. I regret to say that I actually spent a lot of time playing the Intellivision. When the arcades began to wane and I actually got a job and buy things, I purchased the following consoles over the years: Nintendo NES, SEGA GENESIS, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Game boy, PS1, PS2, XBOX, XBOX 360, all the while having the LATEST computer gaming system. (I'm not solely a console player or solely a PC player, I LOVE them both). Oh, I have played other systems that aren't really worth mentioning, so I won't mention them. I figure I have spent EASILY over $25,000 on computers/games in my time. Bottom line is this: I know I haven't played the most games of anyone here, or spent the most time infront of a TV or Monitor, or be the best at Unreal Tournament, but I may have the MOST overall BROAD experience with video games of anyone on the face of the EARTH. Please RESPECT my opinion when I begin posting on my blog. I KNOW what I'm talking about. Thank you.

First Post

I am the ALPHA. I have been around video games since THE BEGINNING. As a 43 year old male, I was there before video games, there when they burst on the scene, and STILL here as they continue to evolve. I have played EVERY single platform in the known UNIVERSE. I know what I'm talking about. Be warned people, I CALL it like I see it. I pull no punches and am VERY tough on issues, usually seeing them as black or white.