ps3 and pc version of gta > gta4 everything else is 360 and pc. not suprised considering most multiplatform games are built using a pc architecture, which makes it easy for the 360 devs too. the only real reason why the ps3 versions look bad is a mistranslation and cuz the 360 actually does have a better gpu
i like how gamespot compared games that were mostly coded ground up from 360, again. And maybe cuz most developers seee that the ps3 is like so hard to develop for, which is true. ask the 2k guys who mad bioshock for ps3, meeting them personally, they said the ps3 was just long and hard to work for. either way i like both systems, but u really cant compare games like these, the only one i know that works great on both is cod wow simply cuz the cod4 engine was built up from each system respectively.
wait did they just say that the gta4 for 360 is crisper even though the ps3 version has better anti liasing? what the hell, i even think that the ps3 images for gta 4 here look better............. gamespot what is wrong with you guys
did ign forget to put on the full rgb thing because when i turned it on, the shadows and textures stood out more on my tv. they did the same thing with the gametrailers comparison and forgot to turn the rgb from limited to full
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