really hope they do make a sequel, the original was inspired and IMO was better than some of their gta games! It wouldn't be a major chore as they could use the gta 4 engine and re skin it, and tweak guns for pea shooters etc... Bully online multiplayer - peeps vs jocks cmon rockstar get it made!!
Tbh the easiest way to get the dollcatcher is go on live, head to the main town centre (near the clock) and ask fellow gamers!! It took me about 10 minutes until some awesome gamer took pity on me and let me join their game to get the achievement!! I then spent the next 20 minutes giving away all my items to needy gamers who were hovering around.
Personally I think it's a mixture of silent hill homecoming, left 4 dead (with the episodes) and a bit of max payne mixed in for good measure, all we need is bullet time!
Yeah since they patched it, it's been much better, but unfortunatly the annoying problem with the errands not popping up still lingers! Took me longer than it should have to get the 1000 gamerscore
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