MrsKWING / Member

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Hi everyone- union's doing great - and I'm excited about some new games

Hi, this is Mrs. Kwing again. Just finished with my DDR that I do hmm, let's see . . . . pretty much every morning. - Ok . . .Kwing this union is kinda hard to log on to , . . . I mean it took me quite a while, dear . . . . - ok knightwitng told me that this union was really easy to log on to. Usually I get major computer help . .. . . but anyway . . . . . Wow, so many members, I can't believe it! Well I guess I can taking into account that my hubby is the best in the world, and that OUR UNION is THE BEST UNION EVER with the BEST PEOPLE ever adding to it. Thanks to much to all of our members.

I'm just going to say that I'm excited about everything coming out soon. I haven't always been a big game fan, oh don't get me wrong definitely it ran in the family, but that is another story . . . anyway, I'm really excited about some of the games coming out, I really don't know the dates but, DDR for the Wii, the new smash bros , what's that called : ) , umm let's see, oh yes oh yesss . . .. Sim Sity for the DS . . . . Yesss I really am excited about that! I am up to the year- hold on let me check the TV screen - . . .. . . - oops I hit the wrong button, now I'll hve to reset it. Last time I checked I was on the year 2191, yep - ok one of kwing and my friends taught me a little bit about this Sim City thing, and I can't wait to show him . . . heee heee he's on the year 1978. OK alittle full of myself. I also am really excited becuase I heard someone was redoing the Mario Paint game, which I really like, and also the conducting game, music stuff, that's fun. And, I really can't wait for MArio Bro's 3 . . . . . - yes that fateful game - it was the beginning of my endliess nightmares of video game music playing at all hours of the night , when I would sleepwalk down to awake from my dream to find my two little brothers playing this mario Bros game long into the night and on into the days to come.

Ah yess . . . . but this is a story for another day another time . . . . good luch to all you big sisters out there whoe have little brother gamers, . . . and let this be a simple lesson to all you gamers - remember the game will still be there in the moring, uniless of course your sister has thrown it from her 3rd story window while sleep uh throwing - yes that's what it is "sleep throwing" hee hee : ) take care guys and gals - Mrs. Kwing

April 14th

April 14th - It's the beginningof break, which means a week off of work fo my husband and myself. Just can't wait to eat ice cream, walk on the beach, and watch cartoons and funny movies all week. No more getting up and 5:30. Also - cooking three meals a day for the Mr. - oo that should be fun . . . . ok, actually really like it! : ) It makes me feel like his little wife.:oops:


Happy VAlentine's Day

Happy Day After Valentine's Day everyone!   Hope everyone had a great one.  Here it was pooring snow and sleet, so I got to stay home with my husband instead of going to my boring old class  : )  . Believe it or not,  Kwing can actually be a gentleman and sometimes very romantic  . . . . , that is  . . .  when he decides to take his focus of his video games.  Hee hee.  ok My dearest K-wing saw me blogging and admitted this is very true. 

Anyway, I bought some nice strawberry goodies at a special bakery for him, but I left them in the company fridge and it was locked and bolted at the ende of the day! Noooooooooooo . . .  I cried in dispair.  Then I stopped by the supermarket on the way home where I got a cute little bear, a nice card, a nice rose sented candle and those Little Debbie strawberry snacks that he goes bonkers for . . . plus - on Kwing's own request . . .  . o yah - Hamburger Helper, everyone. . . .  This was certaintly going to be some enchanted evening : ):oops:     

But the Un-Valentine's Day Knomes hit again!   Nooooooooooo . .. .   this can't be - my debit card didn't go through and my phone had just cut out.

So . . . okay, it was blowin rain and sleet, and as I made it in the door  . . . .. 


I like chatting it's fun!

Hi It's me PrincessAngel84 again. Im Mrs.Kwing on gamespot because I like being married. :D Anyway I just want to say thankyou for talking to me everyone, you made me feel really happy. Anywho. I like movies, Sega and Super Nes games my Ds (which my husband bought me) and my/Our Wii. Well again I had so much fun, and will try to do thsi again sometime. Recently to I have been reading my husband's Nintendo Power and soon I'll beat him at everything. hehehe. Girl  gamer's out there we are few, but If you have a Wii PM your # my goal is to have more girls then guy's and my...I mean our Nintendo Wii. Plus my husband has so many online friends. His myspace list is bigger so I want a bigger Gamespot one. Can anyone help me out?

Wario ware!!!!!!

I like the Wario game. It's so much fun, and I have a higher score then my husband does. I think the game controls being so easy to use, and the fact that it's fun to play makes this a great game. The Wii New's channel is available today and is a lot of fun too. :oops:

I married a gamer.

Although I recently saw how much my husband has spent on his collection of games. I still love him, and think he is very sweet. Sometimes I keep forgeting that this is a big part of his life. Still don't you think its a little much?:shock: